Weekend Bash
That was nice JDawg. I thought the first kick was just kinda eh. But after that it was smexy.
Attached Files
new kick.rpl (63.1 KB, 32 views)
Poof.rpl (63.1 KB, 26 views)
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
So my replays on the first page don't get commented? Could the next person please comment on those?

I didn't really like new kick. Probably because your knees were extending and contracting in an unstylish fashion. This says to me that you were unsure of what leg to kick with.

Poof was alright. Nothing really that special about it.
DJ 3hit combo was pretty mothafuckin awesome and that madman was pretty cool too.
Heres my thread: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=66858
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
Aside from the overdosing on grab?
They were pretty good. Try to keep grab down to boomhits and manipulation only. Grabby breaks slow your momentum down and should only be used in special occasions like attempts at record breaking where quick breaks are everything.

Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
My replays are here, I'm not going to upload them both again.

Comments please?
The first was good, but that last kick could have been a little more boom-ish
The second was one of those holy sh*t replays

Heres one I just did, rate comment, edit

I want to see what others get from it
Attached Files
#Gloomy_WhipperSnapper.rpl (207.8 KB, 41 views)
Last edited by GloomyBear; Dec 28, 2008 at 05:00 PM.
In the first replay, I would've gone for booming the last kick but the rules of the competition were that the 'Style' replay couldn't have any boomhits to keep the emphasis on style and not brutality.

Also, thanks for commenting, now for me to return the favour.

Smooth moves there, justified use of grab as well. Some of those shots looked like they could've boomed with some tweaking but overall it flowed well.I'd give that an 8.5/10.

I haven't got any new replays so if the next person wants to rate my previous ones, that'd be cool.
Argh, my replay-viewing abilities are currently hampered, what with Toribash refusing to open them up on a double-click or the likes... But i'll comment once i get it fixed!

Meanwhile, i tried a sambo + fracture style... It's quite fun actually.
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<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Sure looks like fun .. gonna try that.. :D

but for now an uppercut, is all i can give ya..
Attached Files
eyCoco - Upper Cut ayy.rpl (96.5 KB, 48 views)
theres is a 540 tkd kick in events and these were my tries but they came out to be 360 kicks -.- but they were clean decaps :P plz comment them

EDIT: i posted my first 540 kick :P
Attached Files
my first try at a 540 kick.rpl (30.3 KB, 22 views)
my 540 kick.rpl (79.6 KB, 33 views)
Last edited by extremerun; Dec 29, 2008 at 08:00 PM.
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL