Weekend Bash
second Attempt D: warning im a messy person
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getOWNEDvid8.rpl (120.6 KB, 43 views)
getOWNEDvid7.rpl (138.0 KB, 35 views)
Getownedvid1.rpl (43.8 KB, 26 views)
Hi it's Praeter
What are some ways I could improve on my replays?
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.
Originally Posted by DeeJayy741 View Post
Jesus Christ. They're not freakin' robots. They're just not on.

Thats right! Imaginary +rep

Dodekus is still not in.

And bloxam: train
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Train on what?
I meant what aspects of my replay making could I improve on.
For example, speed, flow, ect
Bloxam: TBH...
Bloxam: i like boys more than girls
Dr_NoXious: i see
Dr_NoXious: is now Offline.
the less you grab the better.

also boomhits. they are pretty.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Ill wait and see what rutz/shook/mosier says.

is that for me or someone else?
Hi it's Praeter