Original Post
Hall of Shame/Fame Changes
When there are shitty threads, there are good threads/posts.

Sure the Hall of Shame was created for the clutter and spam posts, but I feel like it has become a place for the worst highlights of the toribash community.

I feel like the best posts and threads should have their own special place too, why should we have only the most outstandingly horrible posts be highlighted? There have been many amazing threads, some changing the community for the better, and maybe even life changing. Plenty of good threads and posts with time, effort, touching moments, and good timing can be ignored, forgotten, or just hard to find, with a ton of posts out there in the great forums of a sea.

I propose a new Hall of Shame/Fame idea, one which could impact the forums in a very positive way. I don't see any negatives when it comes to this idea, though if there are then please feel free to shout them out.
Also, I think a subboard for each Shame/Fame board would be ok, with it being dedicated to the best/worst toribash forum posts, as opposed to just having threads.

So obviously, theres a Hall of Shame and a Hall of Fame, a place for both the good and the bad. I want to talk about how posts are chosen for it, and I decided that a private board like the scam requests could be created where people voice a thread or post that they have found and believe is suitable for the Hall of Shame/Fame, while forum staff discuss whether or not its a good idea. Though, it obviously shouldn't be as simple as linking a thread, obviously rules should be in order, such as their reason on why it would be a good idea for the post/thread to be thrown into the Shame/Fame, and the post/link should be obviously linked with it as well. Im saying it should be a private board because there will be some obviously one sided posts about whether or not the thread is acceptable, people might get offended with what they think about their posts/threads, and most importantly its a place where its just the user and the staff, nobody else knows about what goes on.

This might just be a simple idea of mine, and it most likely wont be executed into the forums, but I personally think its something that can make an improvement towards the forums. Anyways, thanks for reading this and I hope you can support my selfish idea.

(While on the topic of subboards, Suggestions & Ideas can have one for suggested posts that actually make it into the game, which is basically the Hall of Fame for the Suggestions board. This is so that we can be giving credit to the original person who came up with the idea and highlighting their good deeds to the community.)

Edit: Turns out there is a Hall of Fame
Buuut, its dead, and hidden out of plain sight... So maybe we can revive this if we get the chance.

Edit2: Disregard what I said, for the hall of glory isnt for the good posts, rather its the hall of shame of the hall of shame.

-The Shame/Fame Suggestion Board also works to keep the Shame/Fame boards active, so something like the Hall of Glory being dead wont happen again.

-If actual staff wish to suggest a thread/post into the Shame/Fame, they should post into the Shame/Fame Suggestion like any other person (Equality!).

-Adding more notes in the Future.
Last edited by TomWanks; Mar 4, 2014 at 01:44 AM.
i have to agree with Tom (for what my opinion is worth)

it does seem a lil hidden. mayhaps it could be just above the Hall o Shame in the 1st page that comes up when we press [forums]
ppl may well see it there?

also noticed the last post moved in there was \ Feb 15, 2013
does sorta make it seem that the focus of the Moderators is a lil negative? or just that there are too many ppl like me on the forums?
prolly the latter .

so my suggestion is
Move the Hall of Fame to just above the Hall of Shame on the 1st page of forums.
Signature Permissions no
Y'know the hall of glory isn't for good things, it's for the truly horrific that are too pathetic to be shamed.

And it isn't dead, there's simply nothing glorious enough to put in it. Too many try hards & fail trolls = no glory.

As for fame, good threads belong in the place they were made.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
So Skul, this idea is a bust?

If it isnt, I feel like Toribash needs to experiment with what it can do before the steam release rolls around. Nows the best chance to try out and experiment different rules, mechanics, and ideas for the Forums and Ingame, because the steam release isnt going to give us much freedom when we want to have the ability to experiment and try out new things on a big scale with the community. Im just a player voicing my opinions, and its most likely going to be unsuccessful, but it's my opinion on what should happen.
Last edited by TomWanks; Mar 4, 2014 at 01:48 AM.
I looked around the Hall of glory and like Skulfuk said,
it's not for glorified and great threads, but for hilarious trolls
and rages.

I also agree that actual "good" threads and posts should
remain in their destined boards. If you find a post/thread
good and relevant to its topic, then isn't it best to keep it
in the board who's subject it is about? As so people who
are interested in the matter, or are looking for relevant
information of what ever it is about, can find it easily.

But then again, good threads are hard to find unless they
are new and/or active, unless you can use the Search widget.
So I'd suggest some sort of method to find this relevant
information, like a highest rated thread sortation option,
or something along those lines.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
There are other ways of displaying greatness around here /zips mouth

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you