i was in Bali when i took that pic with my bro ;p its just one of the scenic places in Bali. and yes, i do look young but im 1.65 metres tall.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

sure ;p dats ur home afterall ;p
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
cool thx =) you so lovely.

and blood. i think i was in exactly that spot too =)! did you take that picture near the temple, that is in the water? u know, the one that is on land when the tide is low and in the ocean when it's high?

and it'll take some hours till i can post the pic, but i'll get there eventually xD

after that, i ll play a few games of wushu or whatever... hope to c ya then
hell yeah!!!
dude, you look like a skinny jack black!
Hampa> dont loose if you want to be ranked high :)
Hampa> yeah, a timeless wisdom right there