Original Post
Sword postponed :U
So yeah
I wanted to buy a sword...
But now my cellphone died the death of an old phone...
the battery wont charge anymore
so i am buying a new phone instead of the sword
I'll buy a sword later tho.
But not the super expensive one.
I'll buy a cheaper one with a fake edge.
I won't need a sharp one anyway after all...
It's the same size and looks the same.
It's just not sharp, but it's half the price of the sharp one, so yeah
Just announcing it because I am that talkative :3
kay then
a Samsung S5550 Shark 2

Mainly for the cam and the fact that it's a phone.
I mostly only need those two options anyway
Cam is 5MP and it looks badass
well I wouldn't have needed a real sword anyway
fake edge is enough for the occasional swinging around and also i cant hurt myself with it