Original Post
[Ethr] Clan Wars
[Ethereal] Clan War Reports

Alright guys, thought I'd throw this out there. Wars, even though no longer official, are still doable. We've had plenty since the war system was thrown out, But now we can keep track of them.

EDIT: From now on, a tally of the total wins from each current member will be kept. The top performing members are going to be rewarded with the "War hero" rank, and possibly item prizes

Wars so far:
[Ethr] - [TFO]
[Ethr] vs [RisenXP]
[Ethr] vs [Drugged]
7 - 5
[Ethr] vs [TFO]
9 - 8
[Ethr] vs [Vampire]
5 - 1
[Ethr] vs [TSS]
[Ethr] vs [ApOc]
[Ethr] vs [Otaku]
[Ethr] vs [Ally]
[Ethr] vs [Ascend]
[Ethr] vs [_]
[Ethr] vs [Storm]
[Ethr] vs [Neon]
[Ethr] vs [Neon]
Ethereal K/D: 88/49

Ratio(From July 24-Present):

LagSwitch: 9-4

AmmarSH: 4-2

Spart1cu3: 3-6

Shockey911: 2-2

TC won so far: 31k
Items Won: None.
Last edited by LagSwitch; Aug 21, 2013 at 03:03 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Wonderful thread idea.
I bet we can find some clans that will war us in ABD.
And I suppose people just randomly donate to the pot of item prizes?
Either that, or I'll buy prizes. I don't mind spending tc to reward people for doing well.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Don't forget to add

Ethr - TFO
7 6

Can we do one today, for prizes though.
When will the War System return? Does anyone have a date? That would be bloody awesome to have the War System back. Ah, memories. <3

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Nope no date, Fish said probably this year though. I believe he's the only one coding it at the moment, so that would explain the time that it takes. No wars yet though, guy? I am disappoint, Lemme just add in there, the Prize will be over 5k for the first war.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Ethr vs Drugged
Me and Proxun vs Pindar and some other guy

7 - 5

With Prox with most of the wins.