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Tips On Getting TC
Hmm... Ive made it so far but I have almost no tc. The most I have ever had is
4k and I had to save up for ages (literally). I was wondering if any of you tori-pros out there had any suggestions

Pls don't respond with some mean comment about how I'm stupid or something -_-

Any help would be appreciated!
Originally Posted by Larm View Post
Is the guide which I follow since I started.

Be happy and good luck.

Well not the exact answer I was hoping for... but thanks

Good Luck to you too.
Well, you have to get better some how, you have to get used to the pressure cause yea you can be good when you play just anyone but it's a totally different thing when you are dueling sometimes nerves kick in.
Usually I just made my style to go for decaps no matter what, I buy a nudge in a betting and only selfbet when I'm sure I can win. Other then that I just keep on trying to streak and cap.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Well there are a lot of ways to gain tc, eazy or hard ways:
-DUELING: i think the most part of the community won their TC just by dueling being a fast way but same time risky
-MARKETING: if you are a good markeeter and know how to make profit is eazy or if you are a good artist you can sell art
-BET SERVERS: from betting you can get very eazy tc but is more risky than dueling so look on who you bet, also if you host a bet server u can get tc by being the house or by giving out nudges or even betting
-TOURNEYS: this is the most eazy but same time long way to gain tc