Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Rate the Event Squad!
Okay, so we've been working on improving the ES stuff lately, trying to get good prizes, good events, all of that for you guys, and we want to know what you all think about how we're doing. How enjoyable are our events? What kinds of events do you want to see more of? Do you prefer forum-based events or the purely in-game ones? Or is everything awful and we should just give up because we're complete scrubs who can't do anything right? Whatever your thoughts, share them here! Let us know what you want to see, what you think we need to change or improve on, and any other comments you might have on how we're doing. Want to share your thoughts with us privately instead? Go ahead and shoot me a PM about it and let me know you want to stay anonymous. We'll look at the comments we receive and use them to figure out what kinds of events to throw your way in the future.

What this thread IS for:
  • Telling us what we're doing right
  • Telling us what we're doing wrong
  • Telling us what you want to see more of
  • Telling us what you want to see less of
What this thread IS NOT for:
  • Flaming
  • Complaining about bans or infractions
  • Making complaints about any specific member of the team. We have a board for that
Last edited by Lazors; Mar 9, 2016 at 01:59 PM. Reason: a squad is a team is a squad
My suggestion, from what I have seen, is you guys should talk to a bunch of new people.
Ingame, I mean,
You guys talk to its on the forums a lot, but ingame is where it is at. You guys do set up tournaments and such, by maybe you guys could join like a random server from time to time just to see how those players are doing. I know a few do it, but rarely.

Well, this is my suggestion, enjoy!
opener challenge please
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Well, your 'tourneys per month' ratio has been pretty terrible for months but looks like you're well aware of that.
If we're talking about tourneys, it would be nice to see some different types again, I haven't seen anything like gmdm or oldschool type tourneys in ages (tonakai once made a thread with most of the types of tourneys, it still should be somewhere in hq, might be worth taking a look).
It's a shame that noone cared to pick up 'the best of the champions' stats after my departure, it was good to have something like that around.
As for the recent events, forum ones look fine, I'll shoot you a PM with some [prop]s, thou (If I find them, that is).
As for the tori&uke in-game thingy, from what I've noticed, people get a little bit frustrated when you execute spec all right before their turn and certain guys with faster hands or better connection steal top places again. It kind of kills the fun, plus, you have to be on your guard constantly or you'll end up at the end of the queue. If you want to keep things more random, use scramble.
Think about nudge limit as well, 5 nudges per player should be enough. It's not a big deal for someone like me or any competent duelist/marketer to buy 10 or 20 to get that 100tc booster. Even if it's supposed to be tc sink, it doesn't really add up - competent player will generate more tc than he spent to get it.
To minimalize lags, pings and to make things more entertaining, you may want to keep two servers with two hosters up each.

Duhh, I guess that's it for now, I can't think of anything else.
@Sir: Not always, especially when it's joint staff event, aaaaand since it was in-game stuff, it's rather easy to get the idea that GM Team or some of them were behind this. Anyway, what I wrote up t here is still worth taking a note, if you plan to do this sort of things in future, that is.
Last edited by Powas; May 5, 2014 at 07:52 AM.
As for the tori&uke in-game thingy, from what I've noticed, people get a little bit frustrated when you execute spec all right before their turn and certain guys with faster hands or better connection steal top places again.

This wasn't a GM event, this explains all the possible rush with it. GM events and servers have a "gm" prefix.

However, people with better connection and faster hands always have more changes ;)
I've seen some cool and new forum-based events, as well as art events lately, so that's definitely a plus.

Seems like there's lack of in-game stuff though.
Dig up the stuff that Tonakai and Dargon were on about.
I remember that one of them used to host little challenges in-game, like who could throw a bodypart higher, who could dismember himself faster, etc. That was a great series.
One of them also hosted a "zombie escape" type of event. That's definitely worth bringing back.
This seemed like a decent concept as well, but didn't go through until the end: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=180437
I did a test-run with this event with a small audience and just by popping randomly at servers. If you tried gathering a big server and with some advertising it might work http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=388078, plus it's super easy to host.
Maybe the Tori-Olympics as well, now that there's a lot of people who can play properly in singleplayer and that there are more modding options.

Bringing back themed months would be absolutely incredible, despite the work that they require.
Some sports stuff now that the world football cup is around the corner? *winkwink*

Overall, don't be afraid of remaking events.
Some of them had amazing concepts, and a big part of the community of today wasn't around back then so they'll enjoy it anyway.
Plus you'll have less work remaking stuff and what actually matters is that people enjoy it.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
I want to see more CLAN EVENTS
Complicated clan events? XD
I remember those... events made by bojan D:

I have sh*t planned out ;o
I think i'm gonna make that clan event after clan mash is finished

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
The only complaint I would ever have about the staff in general is to be more thorough in explaining bans. It saves a lot of time when getting appealed (I'd know first hand). Otherwise, you host more than enough and I feel like there is a very nice balance between serious and not very serious mods used for said events. Ingame, you guys are amazing. It would be discipline where you lack charisma, which is prominent while hosting or just hanging out. Also, Qubic, you freaking ninja. Starting a GM revolution.
goodbye cruel world
Originally Posted by Note View Post
The only complaint I would ever have about the staff in general is to be more thorough in explaining bans. It saves a lot of time when getting appealed (I'd know first hand). Otherwise, you host more than enough and I feel like there is a very nice balance between serious and not very serious mods used for said events. Ingame, you guys are amazing. It would be discipline where you lack charisma, which is prominent while hosting or just hanging out. Also, Qubic, you freaking ninja. Starting a GM revolution.

Most people that get banned know what they got banned for and know they deserve it. That's why staff usually doesn't explain thoroughly when banning someone. That's what appeals are for. If, for some reason, you don't know why you got banned, post in Ban Appeals and you'll figure it out pretty quickly.

Also, yeah it was Tonakai that did the challenges every now and again. Those were really cool.

I think you guys are doing fine as far as moderation. there's at least 1 GMtourney every day, so that's not terrible. I'd like to see more forum events though. Seems you've been lacking in that category lately.