Original Post
A way to make it less annoying when people leave mid game
Would it be possible for a feature where if a person leaves mid-match the person still gets their tc, qi points, rank increase, and etc.? But of course not all the time. Maybe after a certain amount of frames, and if the player who quits has less points, then the player that did not leave keeps the win.
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
The elo penalty didn't do shit.
And regardless, you still get the ELO from a game in which the opposing player leaves.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
But what if people decide to farm off of it?
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
But what if people decide to farm off of it?

To farm with the current system:

-Have 'opponent' contract both legs and space 2-3 times
-Opponent dqs in nearly every mod

It really doesn't make too much difference in terms of farming.

Originally Posted by oOSutokaOo View Post
To farm with the current system:

-Have 'opponent' contract both legs and space 2-3 times
-Opponent dqs in nearly every mod

It really doesn't make too much difference in terms of farming.

actually it does.
it's much much faster to have both accounts press space once, then do /rec
But if the function only works after a certain amount of frames or percentage of frames, then couldn't this feature actually make it harder for people to farm using the method mentioned by oOSutokaOo? The amount/percentage of frames would make sense because people usually leave when they are losing and feel that they don't have enough frames to make a comeback.
Giselle is my name, and I suck dick for fame. I only like Pussy, so I don't fuck with dudes. But hey I'm a slut, so PM me for nudes.
But still the op could make the first turn however many frames it takes for this function to kick in. This is a bad idea because of the potential to qi farm much quicker