Original Post
Tear off their arms and eat his eyes while kicking his pelvic area. But seriously, just extend your neck, and contract your abs. And maybe relax your hips and knees.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Make sure you are able to grab both of the hands or arms.
You could do this by rotating your chest, contracting your pecs and possible contracting your elbows.
just contract hips and extend and u noob clap with no grab and extend both elbows then on next turn extend pecs
I'll defeat them all and become unbeatable, unlike any other!
This is the simplest move I could conjure

C - Hold all
Contract left pecs
Contract right elbow
Right Rotate Chest
Extend glutes
Extend Left Hip
Contract right hip

Result: hopefully break off their arm. This is for judo tested against Uke.
Last edited by Azazell; Jul 31, 2011 at 02:23 AM.
If you were intending to use a kick, I would try to land it pushing them away from you along the horizontal. The risk though is that they grab your legs. Maybe you could try twisting? Anyway, practice it on Uke and you should come up with something.
try to get as much rotation in one direction as possible and grab him, this should work.
maybe combine it with a knee-hit or a kick.
Pretty much what the others said.

Grab them by their hands and try to rotate in one direction as much as you can.

That should do the trick,I am not sure though,when I was a low belt 2 years ago,there weren't much noob clappers,maybe that's because I played with my friends.

Anyways,try it and post a feedback
I play games and lift weights.
Grab both arms, lower one shoulder, raise the other. Bend lumbar and use your glutes. Rotate chest and you should win. The end.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.