Original Post
Texture Mass Upload
you know how you can upload multiple textures at a time with the "textures
(multiple)" thing. The catch to that is that you have to have specific names typed
into those images so it could upload to the right body/joint part right? so I was
thinking why don't we just have a big upload at once thing in the regular

For Example:

you select images for all your joints/body and have it sitting there.
then you have this mass upload button so it inputs all those
textures at once.

Well whats the point of uploading textures if the site's not going to do anything with them?
The whole reason of having the files named is so that the forum knows where to put them. Renaming them doesnt even take that long, it's only 13 images

Poorly described.
Do you mean you want all of the texture parts to be all in one image ?
It's just extra work, the time put into this change could be put into much better changes.
You can instead take 5 minutes to rename your files.
You don't put on new sets everyday, do you ?

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