Original Post
(VoC) Recruitment Thread

Standard app...
Your favourite mods:
Activity, forum and ingame:
Why you want to be part of VoC:
Say something about yourself, hobby etc:

Have in mind, free form app is best app, good luck : )

Clan Thread
Last edited by DvSpl; Sep 3, 2014 at 08:57 PM.
Fav mod:ABD, Mushu
Activity:Play this game like very day,Forum:not so much but getting into being active on forum.
Why:Because i have been without a clan for a while and i have seen a lot of VoC players lately and seems that it is a strong clan that i wish to be apart of.
About Me:I play a bit of rugby and football, i play video games a lot, i love to make milkshakes with random crap i can find in my house, i get out the house sometimes for sports and meeting friends, toribash i my 2nd to fav game CSGO i 1st.
Okay, you started to posting something on our thread, so i will give you a try, if you keep activity without spam, with atleast 10 words in post hmm...
Anyways, invited as trial member.

PS: Make me milkshake :O
Last edited by DvSpl; Jul 25, 2014 at 07:26 PM.

I'm Drache1337 and applying for clan Vocation, because MrUnicorn said I should apply to you. So here I am.^^
I'm a 3rd Dan Black belt, my fav mods are greykido ABD and aikido.
I'm almost everyday active in-game as well on the forums.
My hobbys are gaming and PS, I draw stuff, mostly textures.
I would appriciate it if you would give a chance to join ur clan.
That won't be a problem m8.
Just depending on u.^^
Btw I left my clan. <(o~o)>
Last edited by Drache1337; Jul 25, 2014 at 09:55 PM.