Well, if you don't want a DQ, try to tripod. One leg, two hands with your body raised up, or both legs, one hand. Make sure they are spread out like a tripod.
If the enemy is coming, Try to use that other appendage to hit the enemy, or mabye even grab him and flipflop.
Well balancing, You have to use all parts of your tori to keep yourself balanced you will find out the slightest things like the neck will set you off balance
How do I balance?

Stand your ground (not necessary to literary stand) by equally distributing your weight, produce equilibrium and counterpoise.
Now for mental or emotional balance see a psychiatrist and get a recommendation for the appropriate drugs.
balance is easy
but no one can teach you how
also relaxing your body gonna help
Balancing took me years to learn and still take many try's to get in say spar. My suggestion to you is just practice falling and getting back up. Using all or your joints. Over time it will take less time to get back onto your feet but don't expect it to be a few days. As to more advice like I said use all your joints and TAKE YOUR TIME, the difference between relaxing and holding are bigger than you would ever think! Also watch other peoples replays very closely. you'll be surprised how much you can learn from other people. And last but not least look over your own replays and ask yourself what could you do to improve it and don't be afraid to start a replay ALL OVER again. I spend hours just getting to stand up but at the end when you look back at it and say "MAN that looks good!" it'll all be worth the effort. hope this helped
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
I can help, I think.
Balance is a hard thing to master in toribash. Especially with how Toribash is a game where you need to practice to get good at anything. I recommend going into horse stance whenever you want to balance. If you're not sure what a horse stance is a point where you have 100 percent balance. This video explains it at 1:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CDGyUwwTs8. Now that I had explained that there's not much to say but say that your center of gravity and how you move your arms and legs matter greatly with balancing. Example... Your standing up with your right arm about to be raised. That will raise your tori and most likely mess with your balance. Another thing would be momentum. From any previous movements you have done that can depend how you will have to balance. If you just launched in the air and your landing you will almost always land and lean the direction you launched in.

Anyways, I'm not the best at balance myself and I still struggle with it sometimes so excuse me if I stated anything false.
Last edited by Cindery; Jan 17, 2015 at 11:53 PM.