Weekend Bash
View Poll Results: What items from the following would you like to get for free?
512 Head Texture
218 Votes / 45.80%
One Punkspike
31 Votes / 6.51%
Dq Texture
51 Votes / 10.71%
Dq Sound
34 Votes / 7.14%
A girlfriend
142 Votes / 29.83%
Voters: 476. You may not vote on this poll
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tell me what a good offer for those items is from your point of view.
also, 4k as starting for a fpt is not cringe. I am upset u used that word
don't be upset, get down to be downset lol wow so funny but yea black beanie's offer was cringe, good start for fpt doe
fpt is k, and last black beanie got sold for 230k and it was less then a month ago.
so like maybe around 100k-150k
ask to aussie or check in his transaction history to see he bought it from flame and for fpt i counter with hum idk 5k
Idid some research, it is a bit more expensive than i had known
i will go 40k as a start

and 4.5k for fpt is my max
ill send fpt with black beanie if we have a deal and if we dont ill send alone but after
well, 45k is my max for today. I searched the forum and saw u kinda struggled to sell it for 100k..
I will wait to see if the forum develops more interest in it.