Hi there my name is tricerafi,i have feeling why you ask why i make this org,i have several reason:
For some times,i draw everything i want in Photoshop Cs4.Then when i look in Organization board,there are GIMP org,so...i wonder why we don't have an org for Photoshop user,because of that today i make this org for everyone
Good...i already some info about this org.Now i'll tell you about the rule here..yeah rule,the function of the rule is to make this org clean from rule breaker
The rule is easy just follow this,and you'll free from worries
->No Spamming
->No trolling
->Don't steal anyone artwork
easy huh...i bet you can follow this rule
You know the rule right,don't tell me that you already forgot it.if you really forgot it just see ^ from this text.
Silly me,i can guess many member will ask "Where is the application?i want to join",so here it is the application
Current clan:
other Org(if there any):
what Photoshop version are you using:
how long have you been use PS:
example of your artwork using PS:
Description about your self:
~Give your best shot for your application,okay ^_^ ~
Want to know who is in this org here is the complete list
Total member(including leader and his co):4
The day that this org was made:January 27th,2012
do you want to know how good of use you can see it here
Member Artwork
i think that's all that you need to know,other info you want i'll put in here
->You have an idea for an event?PM the leader and co-leader for the detail,and we will discuss it
~>Do we have IRC?not yet,i still find player that can manage the IRC
->Where i can send my Tc for donate?for this time being send it to me(Tricerafi)
->Still want to know something?PM me for further information