Weekend Bash
Let's get to the top of the list.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Name: Skuzee

Age: 14

Current clan: [Hunters]

Other Org(if there any): I applied for AnimeUnited and Minecrafters

What Photoshop version are you using: CS5.1Extended

How long have you been use PS: I basically started using it for Toribash, and I dont have a tablet, so I havent drawn anything yet.

Example of your artwork using PS:

Description about your self:
I'm a pretty new player, sometimes I rage easily D, but I try to play as fair as possible.
I have to say if you are new to photoshop kinda that is a great start.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
he has a good start that's prety epic you're in
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
I want you guys' opinion on this:

Do you think it would a good idea if I started a digital painting/drawing org? I mean, we don't really have anything that's really focused on general drawing.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
Name: Dengue
Current clan: None
other Org(if there any): Gimp Users, Toribash Art School (Dead)
what Photoshop version are you using: CS2 and CS5
how long have you been use PS: 3 years and a half.
example of your artwork using PS:

The head.

A head.

Soldier head.

Careless Editing, months ago

wip artwork.
Description about your self:

I am applying
Sure Gryphon that is a good idea.
@Dengue: I think trice already said no for whatever reason but you can reapply if you really want.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Good stuff, I need art lessons lol, anybody up for some teaching?
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.