Name James(Undead21)
Age: 15
Current clan: Secret
other Org(if there any): None
what Photoshop version are you using: CS5, Thinking about moving onto mastercollection of cs5.5
how long have you been use PS: 2-3 years
example of your artwork using PS:
Description about your self: I like to hang out with friends... Do photoshop on my time that i need to use for. I used to sell banners/sigs/avvy's to people on websites, and that is how I made my money and I am self taught in photoshop. I enjoy to use cs4 and cs5... never moved on to cs5.5 yet. I also can use gimp, but f that... photoshop better... Also cinema4d... I also know C++, C#, and <--- programming languages... That is why I used to own this website: ... But me and the guy that owned it (a friend of mine :P same age) Sold it to browzer (a user on there)... Oh shit, off topic... well heres bout me: Mostly I am hanging around with friends, and paintballing

Originally Posted by
Do brushes have special effects?
Gonna reply to this even though this was a long time ago. No, brushes do not have "special effects". You do that yourself with shading, filter options, or image options etc... The brushes just give you a shape. It wont come with Clouds on it (as in an effect for photoshop... Filter>Render>Clouds <--- I think thats right, I don't use this effect/filter much). So say I wanted to shape a car... I could shape it and make it a brush, but whatever your foreground color is, it is going to make the car a shape, so now its a shape of the car, and the color of your foreground. This can be great for just adding your own brushes for the uses of watermarks, but an easier way for water marks is to use the batch feature in photoshop so you can easily add your water mark that you made, instead of opening each one and having to do it over again :P.
So to sum it up, no, you can shade with it and make it have effects to the layers (because of the shading, it affects everything with effects :P if you get that).
Sorry for long answer
Last edited by Jak; Mar 21, 2012 at 11:34 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump