Current clan:Extreme
other Org(if there any):Rso, LoP, PWPI, Anime united, LFO
what Photoshop version are you using: CS ;P
how long have you been use PS:6 month
example of your artwork using PS:

Description about your self:
well, I like to take screenshots of Mine tori and edit it, I am learning alone, I use GIMP to, and somtimes I use photoshop and GIMP in the same picture.
I am a 16 years old guy, I live in brazil, My real name is Simon.
I am in [Extreme] a beatiful clan.
about the picture: The picture I post have raytracing, but raytracing shaders don't show textures, at least not in my computer.
I take the screenshot of it with raytracing and an other just with shaders, the I mix both, changing the opacity of the raytraced one to 50%