Originally Posted by
Then You have not worked with photoshop that much if you do not know what those are. Because I can tell those are bevel and emboss, if you don't notice that you use it... or see it... or anything... You either do not use photoshop much, new to it... Or just dumb, because everyone thats been with photoshop for quite a while, know what it is... because its one of the main fx's.
perhaps you should read over all my posts again. its not because im a dumb fuck, and do not assume i am. i am dutch, has it never occured to you that i perhaps never knew those words? its not like my english is all knowing, and no, im not dumb because of that.
edit; and a few posts i answered yes to the question anyway, i worked enough with photoshop but i have the dutch version.
Last edited by Takkrala; Apr 19, 2012 at 04:35 PM.