Weekend Bash
hello Murci.

good opener, but a bit stiff. your movements are pretty good,but a bit stiff, and the air kick is cool.
i dont like the pose (my opinion). gg
you can edit the replay and get a boom when you grab.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.

i like the weird opener
nice dms, fast n slick. they flow pretty nicely too.
skeet's pretty wonky though
pose was sex
Thx sSlight. Trying to identify my style of replay making, I'm trying to go with a striker approach.
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Spl 52[S]-Convenant.rpl (153.7 KB, 29 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Oct 22, 2015 at 05:00 AM.
that replay was awesome dude. even though it was short i loved it. opener was great except for a little twitch when your hand hits the ground. the boom was also sick. pls make more
thankyou. Highly appreciate the love.

Anyways here is a skeet. I thought it looked kinda cool, reminded me of clay pigeon shooting.
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Last edited by Murcinary; Oct 25, 2015 at 08:42 AM.