One thing i dislike is the slight twitches you do some times. Of course,its not something that notable,however on the first time i looked the replay i noticed 2 times.

The way you got that abs dm was alright,but it wold be better-looking if you managed to make you knee relaxed after the dm,it wold make it more fluid.

Other than that,you have some good stuff here,you fluidity is pretty,and each transition is smooth in a level that i have no words to say.

So yeah,work on the things,fam;
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
thanks appreciate it. Here's something new i'm going to be taking an interest in. I called it Demo but it probably has an actual name just lmk how they look and where improvements can be made.
Attached Files
Spl 65[Demo]-Hands.rpl (311.6 KB, 22 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Sep 20, 2016 at 09:36 PM.
Actually...i don't really understand what was that for...
in my side of view,looks like the guys from fighting movies doing their "showoff" before fight....but i didnt really get it.
the only thing here is that you shold avoid more twitches...

Locked and Loaded:
same thing,i didnt get it.
and you shold improve on movements: twitches was already said,and sometimes these moves are weird,likely when you done a transition to a "hand stand",you looked quite stiff here....
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
It's neat, like really

But, the hand motions are a bit too fast for my liking. Try to do something more that looks a Little slower and maybie even try to go for a selfspar.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
It's improvement man! Looking better and better. Still think you need to pace the replay better, as some punches are way to fast and they make a blur.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Really got nothing big to complain about so I'll just say the obvious thing and tell you to get the decap with the skeet because that'd just complete the replay in a really cool way.

other than that the replay is solid as fuck, I like the part where you let the lumbar rest on the foot