My newest replay! I feel it is my best one yet. Cnc would highly be appreciated.
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Last edited by Murcinary; Jun 6, 2015 at 09:22 AM.
hi there

opener was very simple and stiff

decap is alright but nothing special

follow up and boom is good.

after that it gets really twitchy and jerky.

try to add more flow, power and speed and dont stop after one move to pose a bit
Pidda's spirit animal
Really the only problem I have with this replay is that you change your direction of speed often (which isnt too bad), and that you could have just put a little more power into those hits. Other than that, I'd say you're a boss!
Thankyou Theee, and Combat Bot for the CnC both are appreciated. I hope this replay is an improvement. I was just trying to be creative, but I am not sure how technically sound the movements and dm's are in this replay.
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Last edited by Murcinary; Jun 7, 2015 at 05:45 AM.
i really like the aim and the hits look strong but just work more in ur style coz u look kinda rusty. i like the replays at all GJ
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
I love dm's in your replays, but i'd like to see more beautiful movements, speed and flow.
I don't know what else to say. Nice replays but you need more work on it.
Thankyou for the CnC yall. I appreciate the positive comments and the useful advice. I am posting my first WiP. I honestly don't know if I should continue the replay and make it into something more or just leave it as is and clean it up a bit. Please let me know with CnC.
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Uke's all over the floor.rpl

all i have to say is i love the dms but you neeed to work on the smoothness of the replay.
The launcher looked a little lazy to me. try to experiment more in your replays.
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
Thankyou for the CnC Firesun, highly appreciated.

This is a continuation of Spl 27 my WiP.

No name yet, plan to clean up the flow/dm's just want your thoughts on how it looks.

I did no grabbing just straight punches so it may not look as clean until I polish it up.
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Spl 27- WiP(2).rpl (101.2 KB, 13 views)
really nice, but you have to work on quicker transition so it doesnt look like you pause after one punch (it doesnt look too slow in this one but it could have been a bit quicker)

^-^ good job
Pidda's spirit animal