Weekend Bash
looks cool. i would like to see someone pull off the MAS thing very well

third punch around frame 420 was a bit iffy, maybe it looked like you kept the elbow held and quickly lowered the shoulder when the hit was over. i dont know if it would look better, but i would try to maybe lower the shoulder a little slower by lowering for a frame or two and then relaxing.

another thing about making a replay like this is how swinging your arms pulls your body left and right, and if the legs are not well planted on the ground it looks as if youre hopping around

im interested in this replay, are you going to do a whole MAS replay or is it simply an opener for something else?
Last edited by pusga; Jul 21, 2015 at 05:17 PM.
oh yeah
thankyou for the cnc on that MAS replay, still trying different things and im coming up short, needed a break from it and made another replay in the meantime. I have a sense of a lot of technical things i did wrong, but still wanted a thought on it. might change this one up as well.
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lol funny Wip.rpl (109.4 KB, 20 views)
wow really impressive replay
but the way you change your momentum at 364 is not so good (try to keep spinning in one direction or make it not noticeable that you changed directions)
split is neat but the transition into the decap is a bit too simple (imo)

Pidda's spirit animal
Been scrappin replays left and right, trying to keep up with yall makes a man go crazy. The replays i'm seeing from yall makes me not even want to post unless its on par(if its even on par with yall lol}.

Anyways.. I thought this one was iight, kinda just went with it, was thinking about making a 2nd Version with a different feel but we'll see.

It's pretty short btw, nothing spectacular, trying to improve on flow and better openers, ALSO it kinda looks cool from the Uke camera xD
Attached Files
Spl 40[D]-Strrriiiikkkkeee.rpl (154.4 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Aug 1, 2015 at 01:28 PM.
pretty cool

im not sure if i like that you always go into the same position before you make your actual opener but thats ok (could be something thats adds your own style to the replay).

opener is cool but i would have prefered it if you didnt extend your knee at frame 435 cuz this way it looks a bit twitchy.

decap is cool and the way you smash your own head on the ground is nice

the setup skeet doesnt flow so good, maybe you could have extended your right hip a bit more so could have kept spinning in the same direction or atleast to make a quicker follow up to the skeet.

the skeet itself is pretty nice
Pidda's spirit animal
Thankyou Theee for the CnC.

My first attempt at an manipulation. I know there are a lot of areas for improvement but I just stuck with it. Cnc for this replay would be highly appreciated!
Attached Files
Spl 41[Manip]-Learning Curve.rpl (137.8 KB, 17 views)
in a manip its pretty important to stay grounded as you have better opportunity to spin uke around rather than just flying away as seen when you had to grab uke to pull yourself in

you sort of want to put you inbetween uke and the ground if you know what i mean
i sell pocket pussies
[Ae]ther | cncpls | [OoT] | SR
thankyou for the advice adam i will put that in use for future manip replays. Here is a sambo, with a mini manip action. Cnc this plz and thankyou. Also sorry for long matchframe time, I thought I was going to need more frames but I whined up not.
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Spl 42[M]-Aluminum Foil.rpl (212.7 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Aug 13, 2015 at 04:59 AM.
your knee was looked a bit twitchy in the opener when you relaxed it the first few frames and then extended it.
But you really surprised me when you made all these awesome, fast spins.
split was neat but simple.
the manip was cool but you bruised your head :/
the last hit was really cool.
the transition into the pose didnt flow so great
Pidda's spirit animal