Weekend Bash
Thanks Theee the cnc really does help propel the standards i set for my next replay, I highly appreciate you always showin support.

My latest replay, I'm setting high standards for myself, trying to reach good and consistent. Let me know the pros/cons please and thankyou!
Attached Files
Spl 43[B]-Global Icon.rpl (152.2 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Aug 18, 2015 at 02:18 PM.
You know I love that breakdancing opener and the boomhit was sexy as hell. I really can't give any cnc but I'll just show my support here :v
the opener is meh
you first spin to your right and the suddenly change your spin direction

but damn... the rest is just awesome.
really nice speed and powerful kick

one thing that some people might dont like is that your knees touch the ground without a real purpose (like a kneespin) but that doesnt bother me

so yea gj dude
Pidda's spirit animal
You should check what I said about this replay in the parrot replay thread.
But since I'm here anyway, how long did that beauty take?
Curious aren't you.
holy f-

i love a lot about this replay

opener was really freakin' cool, didn't even know you could go into breakdancing motion like that

launching kick was alright, certainly did what it needed to do

transition into pose was nice, a little bummed that you decided to just relax all and fall

it's hard to keep my eye on a lot of these threads considering how many people are making replays nowadays, but i'll do my very best to keep dropping by
the goblin
Thankyou all, I appreciate the nice comments. Made a madman, also went with a lower gravity than what I usually use, I'm sure I made some mistakes, let me know where I could have been better If you feel the need too ofc. cnc always appreciated thx!
Attached Files
Spl 44[M]-Retaliation.rpl (211.1 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by Murcinary; Aug 23, 2015 at 08:23 AM.
Hey there,I'm new here I guess ù_ù

the opener is cool,the double knee dm too.
the next 2 dm is ok.
the other kick is a bit weak.
the final dm is lol..nice!*

8/10,nothin' special.
the opener is a bit generic but the knee dms are neat
the transition after the first punch kinda doesnt flow so well ._.

overall, its a bit slow and the punches/kicks look very weak
needs more power and speed
Pidda's spirit animal
44 was awesome. I love the way you broke ukes knees and the final posed looked great. Also its extremely fluid, great job as usual.
Curious aren't you.