Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
Also i braided my hair, i look like a rapper, but i like it.

You must be the coolest MM (at least in my mind)
Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
Alright then I shall learn how to play boxshu more again. used to play it a little bit once they got rid of wushu. Didn't play it for that long because it didn't feel the same but okay, I will.

It was just a suggestion, I always say "have fun over all" so I would never ask you to do something you don't enjoy.
Just play Boxshu if u are in the mood.
I know. I would never play something if I didn't feel like it to begin with anyhow. I have to get a new chair for gaming because mines falling apart, sad life.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
Sorry for not posting hommies, I've been busy lately and when I had the chance to post I was a bit sad for something that is happening in my life rn but hey I still got tb and you peps ingame to laugh and have some good times playing/chatting and you watching me ping after every match haha, these days I've been dueling a bit, got banked from 45k I guess and yesterday from 1k betting I got high proffits and now I hit the 80k mark, My paypal account got approved so yeeah I'm happy for that, also dueling I got a sick save in abd (I will attach the replay in this post), also yesterday the spanish members of the clan in our whatsapp group saw a pic of Imperial's puke LOL, Luca was eating when our bae Imp sent that to the group and since I used to watch a lot "jackass" for me was like "oh look puke, funny" and today we might send pics of our shit in the toilet (jk) so I basicly I want to say thanks to you guys for support me even when you don't know what's happening in my life the last days I love you all <3

Here sick-o replays in abd and stuff.
Attached Files
lenshucapper.rpl (91.6 KB, 4 views)
omgssss.rpl (46.8 KB, 4 views)
noway.rpl (71.6 KB, 5 views)
Signed by PROVENZA
noway.rpl = Neat abd save, that replay is the perfect sample of a strong wrist.
omgssss.rpl = I mean wutt?!? what a savageness, rekting ppl with your hands, a new technique.
lenshucapper.rpl = i think YOU will have to do more to impress me on lenshu

Originally Posted by Martin View Post
@Espelho & @ALL HIS ALTS have been banned from the clan's board and discord
Because he is extremely toxic.

This ban ends today. Espelho and all his alts are now allowed to post in MM's threads and enter in our Discord (ban has been reverted there too)
Last edited by Martin; Jun 3, 2019 at 02:51 AM.
Originally Posted by zeicro View Post
Hola!, Mi nombre es Guillermo , tengo 18 años y soy de Argentina Córdoba Capital, juego Toribash desde que tenia 11 años, pero deje por el 2013 porque me había aburrido, ahora 2018 que volví, volvi mas que nada por la nostalgia, yo antes (tipo por el 2013), pensaba que tenia un limite en mi nivel en este juego, pero era que me daba paja practicar para mejorar xD, hoy en dia un año atras 2018 volvi por esa razon de la nostalgia y estoy dando todo para practicar y mejorarme! Juego mas que nada Sparring,parkour y aikido, entre otros mods, pero si hablamos de preferencias seria el Sparring y Parkour, en lo que soy fuera del videojuego, me gusta hacer beatbox y freestyle, ando compitiendo en algunas plazas a las que voy y a algunos eventos públicos.

Tengo habilidades como lo son la Edicion en Photoshop y algunas replays en sparring por si les interesa verlas acá las dejo :

Attachment 614964

Attachment 614965

Attachment 614966

posteala acá
@Draigoon12 has become official member

Congratufuckinglations Manitoda, you are now a Mestre, keep the good work and activity in the clan.
Signed by PROVENZA
1. @Draigoon12, I think it was a tough trial period but you made it =) congrats man!

2. Clan League SING UPS Jenson & I will take care of this. Your task here is playing like mother fucking beast and get all other clans scared of us.


some logos I've made

Last edited by Martin; Jun 3, 2019 at 07:02 AM.
Originally Posted by Jenson View Post
@Draigoon12 has become official member

Congratufuckinglations Manitoda, you are now a Mestre, keep the good work and activity in the clan.

Thanks for everything guys, just wow.
I'm glad you guys saw some potential in me and gave me an actual chance!
Congrats Draigoon. Keep up the good work lad.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.