Well Dark, you seems to be mature at your age, if you can do at least 50 posts, then please come back here

Also good app Swag, yes
Yes for eddy
I will don't say anything about dark it's better then most of apps
that we denied So i will don't say No come back in 3 days or 4 days
we will judge you then
Yes for $weg
as you all know aem has now become a dead clan and I feel like you guys were always there for backup so I am applying now. my name is ryanw99. my rank is 5th dan black belt. Im active both forum and ingame. My favorite mods are akidoBD and lenshu. Im 15 years old. I was just in aem but left since its dead. The reason I want to join VOC is because you guys were allys and said feel free to join if aem turns bad.
I suck at this game in case you were wondering
Originally Posted by DarkSKS View Post
well ok DvSpl thanks for the chance anyway

No problem, i belive you can do this, if you want you can even make that 50 posts on VoC thread
Frosted's VoC Application.
Name/nick: My real name is Nathan, I prefer to be called Nate, but I don't mind. As you can see my IGN is Frosted789 but this is due to change in the future.
Age: I'm 14, going on 15.
Belt: I'm only a Black Belt but this is due to a short break from Toribash.
Your favourite mods: I'd say my favorite mods would be ABD, GreyKido, and Mushu. I'm willing to play most anything though.
Activity, forum and ingame: I'm on quite a lot. When I'm on in-game I'm on the forum usually. I'm on 6-7ish hours during the day. Sometimes all day. Although I don't always post everytime I'm on.
Why you want to be part of VoC: I want to be a part of Vocation because I feel it's a well established clan. I also feel I'm ready to join a clan like this.
Say something about yourself, hobby etc: Well, I'm a snowboarder in the winter. I play Track and Field in the summer and Football in the fall. Any other time I'm a gamer.
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#Frosted - Power through.rpl (101.6 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Frosted789; Aug 12, 2014 at 06:07 AM.
Hi, my name is Cole Orin and I'm 14 years old. Forum activity would be a 3/10 and in game activity would be an 8/10(as soon as I get the PC in my room and not the family room the activity for both will be 10 XD). I am mature for my age, mentally at least, I have been in 1 good clan but I left because they were all immature, After that I was in crooks for a bit and my PC broke so I got kicked for inactivity, I play toribash basically whenever I can and I know I am a blue belt but trust me a play way WAY better than one. I have led a clan when the game first came out, we were 50th in world but my PC was broke for awhile so we disbanded. I'm really good at all types of akido, GTboxing, and mushu. I like to be funny and make people laugh. So if you let me in I could make the clan better in mah own way XD In real life I golf as a freshman and snowboard in the winter, also play video games a lot lol. I really want to be in VoC cause in game you seem like a strong clan and I'm ready to get back into clans. I would be happy of you accepted me. Ps: I know I wrote way to much but I like to type XD sowy
@Frosted Its nice to see those replays but you edited the rules making it easier to have decaps etc etc. And id like to see some Multiplayer replays. Single player replays only show the amount of time you spent making it. Multiplayer replays show your skill. Other then that im going to test you in the near future..... But for now its a yes.
@Cole "Led a clan to 50th place." Id like to see that. What was the clan name and when was it disbanded, Ive played this since 2009 so i know what clans where what rank, And you joined 2013 how did you lead a clan when this first came out? Alt? And it seems that have copied what Frosted has said unless its a pure coincidence "I'm a snowboarder in the winter"... Same thing with frosted. I need multiplayer replays for this clan needs skill. But for now its a no for me.

For the leader of Voc

I make textures n stuff.... And i love hentai. Peace and love <3
Well cole if you was in crooks and you get kicked for inactive cuz your pc
explode ? lel ad your pc expleded so many times it's WEIRD
why don't you ask them to inv you back ?
So for cole i'm on not we are gettn full and those spots in clan will be way harder to get
I will say frosted We want to see you ingame