MMkay. Got it to say "*ROUND 1*" but I can't move the camera when it says fight, and the default controls don't work...
The Dumbass n00b Song
That is because you are a f*cking retard.
As this is the most idiotic statement I have seen in the past month, you warrant the dumbass n00b song, which I hoped I wouldn't have to use again.

The Dumbass N00b Song (to the tune of "Jingle Bells")

Fail Fail Fail
Fail Fail Fail
Get The F*ck Out Now
You Are F*cking Re-tar-ded
Get The F*ck Out Now
*Dances to the n00b song*

'ny ways. Yeah. This is WAAYYY outdated. Maybe someone can remake it for 2.7 or something? *hints at Poptart*
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
dont mind playerID666 thats his job >.<
the controlls are on your keyboard, the key pad to your right

when it says round # start, press space then use the key pad to controll tori..




all of this is explianed in the punchout.txt that you should have read.. which is what got PlayerID666 started..
Last edited by MrPoptart; Sep 20, 2007 at 01:29 AM.

Ok, about the images not loading: Someone brought this to my attention recently, and it appears that texture loading stopped working with 2.76. This problem has been brought to the attention of Nabi staff, so hopefully it will work with 2.77, or what ever release is next.

The rest: I know i have been totally blah about doing any updates to this, but I have a few other things on my plate right now that are consuming most of my time, so it has been hard to get much done on this. HOWEVER! I am planning to do some updates in the near future, so keep checking the lua board every few days. Same bat time, same bat channel.
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
(  _ \(  _  )(  )(  )( \( )/ __)( \/ )
 ) _ < )(_)(  )(__)(  )  (( (__  \  / 
(____/(_____)(______)(_)\_)\___) (__) 
yayz for updates in the near future =]

ps. the fresh prince of bel air rocks (read bewbluck's (lol bewb) sig)
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
the mod is auto ran
just go to scripts and click punch out

thanx, copied .lua file to the script/ instead of /scrip/punchout it works now
just awesome!
realtime fights are absolutely cool. just a bit hard to win over the uke.