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Paying off infractions.
Ok, so everyone knows that tc should be sunk, so why not allow non serious rule-breakers pay off or shorten the infraction with tc? Obviously there would be a cap of how much time could be taken off each infraction to prevent people basically buying the ability to shitpost.

I can see the obvious flaws in this idea (for example it being kinda corrupt and a little evil sounding) and was wondering if anyone could see any potentially viable methods to make it work. The way I see it, the more shitposter's tc we sink, the less tc that needs to be sunk for normal members. Maybe I'm wrong about this. Lets see.
Good morning sweet princess
paying to shorten your sentence is horrible idea, fine for breaking rules is more likely to happen and only in very specific cases like rigging, otherwise no, it won't work.
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 28, 2015 at 03:54 PM.
Just in case I wasn't clear, this wouldn't apply to bans or anything too serious, just minor rule breakage.
Good morning sweet princess
A problem with the idea is that the newer players would be less able to use this, and the older player, who tend to have more tc, would get away with stuff more. Even though they should know the rules better
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
this doesn't work and is practically bribing. if you want to do something about an infraction or whatever you should help the community by following the rules.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
A problem with the idea is that the newer players would be less able to use this, and the older player, who tend to have more tc, would get away with stuff more. Even though they should know the rules better

I think maybe the concept wasn't cleat at all.

My idea would be to make it

1 point infraction: 1k

2 points infraction: 3k

3 points infraction: 10k

4 points infraction: 15k

5 points infraction: Ban+ 25k

*Points still accumulate* *Prices would be charged by the points you have, so if you start making 1 point infractions, you should pay 1k+ as many points as you have*
*Prices might be wrong, but it's to put an example* It's not changing the infractions for tc, but to have both to encourage players to not get even an infraction so no things like this happen.
I'll take my infraction with pride.
Fucking supported.

^real quote
Last edited by SrCheetah; Jun 28, 2015 at 11:22 PM.
Originally Posted by dr_who View Post
hey siku remove my infractions and i'll give you 1k

I'm not talking about removing them, also, the tc should sink, not go to someone, it's an additional penalty for being dumb.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
I think the idea of fines for infractions could be more viable

What do you mean ? .-.
Originally Posted by SrCheetah View Post
What do you mean ? .-.

I think what smallbowl means that if you are infracted, you have to pay "X" amount of tc for it not to go to infraction list or you will be banned etc