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[Event in the making]The Buttmasters Challange
Hey [Fa]ggots, how you doin'?
Over skype, me and a few others have thought of making an event, a sp event to be exact. Then Kitten brought up the idea of dm'ing with your butt, and we thought that'd be fun (since ZeTo is the buttmaster).
This is the thread to discuss all the details about the event.

--First of all, the objective. Needs to be more specific.
-Should the replay have a butt dm and nothing else?
-Should the replay have at least one butt dm?

--Secondly, who will be the judges?
I thought 3 judges would be enough, and ZeTo said that the judges should be me, ZeTo and Spry (since lumi is awfully inactive). If you think the list should be changed, please say so.

--Thirdly, should Family members be able to enter?
Would it be too unfair for others?

--And finally, what about the prizes?
-Should we have an over exaggerated prize for it to get attention?
-Should we have a humble prize, which isn't that high?

Feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions.
Last edited by chamara; Jun 9, 2013 at 01:23 AM.
I'm wondering if a dm with your butt is even possible. My thoughts though:
1) Other dms optional, dm with butt should be first/most focused on
2) Those judges seem fine.
3) Most of us suck ingame, so I don't see why not as long as the judges are unbiased.
4) Small prize, I think. I think people would participate for the fun of the challenge.
Originally Posted by Hucota7 View Post
I'm wondering if a dm with your butt is even possible. My thoughts though:
1) Other dms optional, dm with butt should be first/most focused on
2) Those judges seem fine.
3) Most of us suck ingame, so I don't see why not as long as the judges are unbiased.
4) Small prize, I think. I think people would participate for the fun of the challenge.

It has been done by a lot of replaymakers, it is possible.

3) It has nothing to do with ingame :P. Also even if the judges were unbiased, if a Family member won the event, people might think he won because we are in the same clan and because we wanted to could keep the tc.
It would be controversial, that's why I brought it up.
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
It has been done by a lot of replaymakers, it is possible.

3) It has nothing to do with ingame :P. Also even if the judges were unbiased, if a Family member won the event, people might think he won because we are in the same clan and because we wanted to could keep the tc.
It would be controversial, that's why I brought it up.

If we get it sponsored by the GMs as zeto has been talking about, we could make one of them a judge.
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7
Butt DM is what we look for but other DM's are accepted.
We just focus on how the replaymaker create the butt dm.

Judges will be me, Cham and Spry.

Family members can't join since we are the ones who are hosting.

Mediocre prize, first place 15-20k value.
2nd place around 10k
3rd place around 5k