Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The Story of Muffin
At a time in his life where he needed stability, Jordan was forced to move on from everything he knew and loved and live in strange and unwelcoming land. Of course his parents reassured him that 'it was for the best' and 'making new friends would be easy'. Jordan wasn't stupid. Making new friends, however old you are, is as easy as sucking a brick through a straw.

The flight took a little longer than forever, slowed down by the robotic flight attendants waving their pretty little arms in every direction and instructing his every movement.

'Would you like some more water sir?' said a particularly annoying flight attendant.

'Would you like to crack one of these windows open and let the change in cabin pressure rip every feature off your face?' he felt like saying.

'No thank you' he said through gritted teeth. This was the eighth time she'd asked him and no matter how much he hated her, his bladder hated her more. The seatbelt buckled sign had been off for about 2 hours, and Jordan had decided enough was enough. Either he was getting up to kill her with a fold out table or he was going to release the full force of niagra falls in the bathroom. He couldn't quite decide which would be more satisfying (or less messy for that matter), so he went for the less violent option. Getting up to use the john, Jordan looked on to find something else to focus on rather than the bulging breasts of the woman sat across the aisle from him while he undid his seatbelt. Finding no such luck, he happily settled on reducing the speed at which the buckle was undone, to maximise viewing pleasure. Slightly disappointed with the short few seconds he managed, Jordan walked down the aisle, narrowly dodging the carry on luggage someone had courteously dumped right in the middle of the floor, performed a rather impressive triple side step and a half spin before reaching the bathroom door. He expected at least a short round of applause but no such thing came.

To his horror, the dial read 'Occupied'. Jordan had feared this scenario worst when imagining the flight. How long would he need to stand there? What if the guy in there destroys the toilet with a particularly viscious bowel movement? What if the plane goes into a tail spin and he was made into human bouncy ball? But worse, what if he wet himself? It wouldnt be the embarassment that killed him, it'd be the smug look on the face of that evil flight attendant, knowing she'd won the battle. No. He would not allow it. Jordan marched up to the door and knocked with such force that the loosely reinforced lock on the so called 'occupied' door gave in allowing the door to swing inwards on its hinges, revealing a completely empty stall. He looked around wondering if someone close to the bathroom had done this intentionally to fool poor saps needing to pee, but from the looks of it, it was not a prank. He proceeded to examine the contents of the bathroom, and right before concluding it was all a simple mistake, he found a small slip of paper folded once down the middle on top of the toilet paper dispenser. Curious but slightly unnerved, Jordan opened the slip and was quite intrigued by what he saw.

(To be continued)

Yeah I'm kinda back for a bit! I enjoyed reading a bit of Bulous' story so decided to copy him (becos i lovz him) <3

I was a bit sick of drawing cute stuff, and story writing sounded pretty fun so yeah. Woop.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
reading this with a british accent makes the story even more interesting

Originally Posted by Hucota7 View Post
Based on a true story?


and we all miss you muffin, come back soon ;~;
I loves you too muffin <3 (amazing story btw)

& 2 Family story on forums are OP.

Erth we won all clans. Make everyone in Family GM.
It's Fabulous
Heyyyyyy <3

Yeah guys I'm gonna pop in every once and a while, see how you guys are, maybe finish off this story..

..which by the way, is definitely based on a true story. I've been on a plane before.
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence tuppence tuppence a baaaggg
My Avvy/Sig shop
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu