Original Post
Parallel Kingdom
at the end of tutorial, please enter my refferal code "tedhh", you will receive extra gold and help me


This game is available for android, iOS and pc(web).
Android and iOS use same server and pc not, since it's funnier to play with mobile phone, i recommend it to play with mobile, not pc.
Pc players - maximum 100k
iOS + android players - at least half million.
Originally Posted by
In its short history, the Parallel Kingdom franchise has pioneered several firsts: first real-time MMORPG for iPhone and Android, and the first location-based MMORPG on iPhone and Android.

*Free to play
*Play everywhere
*Real map
*Interact with players
*Sail the seas
*Pet system
.....and more.

This game is using google map, you claim teritory by building flags, taking over them or so.
At game start you choose the place you live near in real life and with your character you are starting building flags, cutting down trees, killing animals and more.


This game is as unique as toribash, you won't find something similiar like this.


To help me, please use this refferal code - tedhh
You will also receive bonus gold for it.

Have fun!
Last edited by zygrQck; Jan 4, 2012 at 02:14 AM.