Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The Gates of Hell - Get in the line, apply here!

Follow Mr. Reaper,
He will take good care of you!


App form

Freeform apps only!!!!!!
Following informations should be at your app:

Belt (4th dan minimum)
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum)
Forum Activity (From 1-10)
In-Game Activity (From 1-10)
Previous Clans
Why did you leave/get kicked?
Special Skills?
Any infractions/bans?


Put some work into your app if you really wanna get in!

Members will discuss about your app, please, be patient, You will know if you got denied/accepted.
Free form applications are preferable, but please make sure you put all the needed information on it.

Don't apply if you do NOT fulfill the requirements!

NO double claning, alt applies or other ways to cheat us or the community!!

Last edited by ViperTech; Jun 25, 2015 at 01:59 PM.
Recruitment reopened.
Read the requirements before you post an app. Applications which don't fullfill the requirements will be ignored.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Age: 17
Belt (4th dan minimum): I'm a 3rd dan Black belt, but im doning 70-90 games each day so il reach 4th dan fast

Country/GMT: UTC/GMT +1 hour

How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum): Only 5 months, i started in november on this account, I had a brown belt before that with bad ranking so i started a new one.

Forum Activity (From 1-10): 5/10 i guess

In-Game Activity (From 1-10): 10/10 im on 6-7 hours a day

Previous Clans: source, warriors and syndicate

Why did you leave/get kicked?: I left the clans because they got boring and we never had any wars. I'm gonna leave syndicate if i get in here

Special Skills?: I'm an PS artist i make heads, banners, siggs, headers.. But not full sets.

Any infractions/bans?: Nope
Tell me if you want examples on my former PS projects.
Last edited by MagikerN; Feb 25, 2013 at 10:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Clan: Syndicate

I'm gonna leave syndicate if i get in here

I had a brown belt before that with bad ranking so i started a new one.

Good luck.
I vote *no*.
btw, i think we have to test all newcomers in-game on following mods: abd, tk, rk-mma, lenshu, brushu
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

No one answered me , can I apply for the clan??
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
I'm with uFantom. I say *No*.
Also we have to test everyone in abd , all grey akido , rk-mma and judo.
Maybe Minimum belt should be higher ? 7th-8th dan ?
~ If life is showing you the back, kick their asses ! ~
Ok fine , here is my app _-_

Hi there , my name is AJ or Ahmed , I am almost 16 years old (two months and I am 16) I am Syrian but I live in Bahrain with +3 GMT , I like to play Aikido , ABD , Rk-mma.tbm and any other random mod that is not chosen by me. My forum activity is 9/10 Nd my in-game activity is 5.8/10 , I like swimming , football (soccer) and table tennis. I also find mathematic is a very good 'n' material to study since its full of numbers and it helps brain to work.
My behavior is not aggressive , but once the member passes his limits (being very bitchy or racist) I either report him or swear back.
I had 5+ Bans and 9+ infractions >: but they are all expired , my last infraction was month and half ago.
My skills are : diving for long time , swimming for long distances and drawing.
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit