Original Post
[FsL] Freestyle League
Hello and welcome
To the Freestyle League's Main page
Our main goal Is to have fun and fight with a unique style.

Donations Are accepted and If you are panning on doing that donate it to:
The bank currently has:
1,000 Tc

Players MUST Fight Relaxed. If not, Don't bother applying.

Talents (Toribash related):
Talents: (Life related):
Favorite mods:
Forum activity (rate out of 10):
IRC Activity (Out of 10):
In-Game Activity(Out of 10):

Please post at least 3 Replays
Make sure they're the most unique and epic ones you have.
(Also If you attatch your usercard that will be appreciated)

Co Leader:






P.S.: Our tag is FsL

Last edited by Daxx; Feb 6, 2010 at 08:45 PM.
Ok I will join :P
Name: Uberis
Age: 12
QI: 1479
Talents (Toribash related): Just Ingame skills!
Talents: (Life related): Making music beats a bit
Favorite mods: Taekkyon and classic
Forum activity (rate out of 10): 9/10
IRC Activity (Out of 10): 5/10
In-Game Activity(Out of 10): 7/10

Add me as a Co - Leader!
Replays I will post tomorrow I really have no time for this now!

edit: Usercard!

Really no time to attach them!:P
Last edited by Uberis; Jan 18, 2010 at 10:09 PM.
Hey buddy
Talents:Great at taekkyon
Talents real life:Great in baseball and make lots of friends
Favorit mods:Taekkyon,Classic,Akido,and wushu
Forum activity:4/10
Ingame activity:9/10
How do I post the user card
Last edited by marccod; Jan 19, 2010 at 12:03 AM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Marccod:I dont like your last decap;-;
still, youre nice. your other reps are good. youre in
Eh I'm in fr3styl so might as well try join freestyle league

Name: Cristian

Age: 16

QI: 8700ish (should say on my usercard)

Talents (Toribash related):I'm fair at aikido, if i try I could beat anyone at it :P except teh elites with like 3 win ratio D:

Talents: (Life related):Umm i don't know I guess I'm smarter than the average bear, but that isn't really a talent, is it.. I don't know my talents.

Favorite mods:Aikido, lenshu3, ninjutsu (anything with a ring o.o)

Forum activity (Out of 10):5/10 I am on forums quite a bit, i just don't post much.

IRC Activity (Out of 10): 0/10 I don't use IRC

In-Game Activity(Out of 10): 8/10 When I have access to my main computer I play it alot.
Attached Files
split rape.rpl (60.2 KB, 6 views)
broken save 1.rpl (78.9 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Hippybob; Jan 19, 2010 at 12:57 PM.