Chat commands and hotkeys
Оригинальная русская ветка
Hello, Toribashian!
This tutorial will tell you about all the existing chat commands and hotkeys
The contractions of commands are given in brackets
*To use these commands you don't need any server privileges(@, % or ~)
- /join [room] (/jo) - Enter the room.
*If it does not exist it will be created and you'll become it's operator (You'll have @ in front of your nickname).
- /spec (/sp) - Join the spectators.
- /enter (/en) - Enters the fight queue.
- /pass [password] (/pa) - You have to type this command if the room is protected by the password.
- /emote [text] (/em) - Shows the text above your Tori's head.
- /shout [text] (/sh) - Shows the 3D text in front of your camera's current position.
*The Toribash font (BadaBoom BB Edit) doesn't support some symbols so they'll be shown as rectangles.
- /whisper [nickname] (/wh) - Opens the private chat tab.
- /login [nickname] [password] (/lo) - Command used for logging in.
- /rememberme (/rm) - Remembers current account's nickname and password.
- /forgetme (/fm) - Forgets current account's nickname and password.
- /search [nickname] (/sa) - Search the player among everybody who's online for the moment.
- /refresh (/rf) - Refresh the server list. This command is recommended to use before /sa for better searching.
- /quit (/qu) - Closes the client.
*You have to be an operator of a room to use these commands.
All the restrictions won't work for server administrators (~).
- /passwd [password] - Sets the password to protect your room from the strangers you don't want to play with.
- /passwd - Removes the password and makes the room public.
- /setowner [owner password] - Sets the owner password.
*This command can be suitable for hosting ingame events if you're not an ingame administrator.- /owner [owner password] - Typing a correct owner password will make you a room operator and give you @.
- /reset (/rt) - Restarts the match.
*Suitable when using the /set commands (see below).
- /desc [text] - Sets the description for your room that's being showed in the server list.
- /motd [text] - Sets the welcome message for your room.
- /maxclients [amount] - Sets the maximum amount of players who'll be able to locate in the room at the same time (minimum - 4; maximum - 32)
- /minbelt [games played] - Sets the qi restriction. The player having less games played won't be able to join the room.
- /maxbelt [games played] - Sets the qi restriction as well as /minbelt, but now the player with more qi won't join your room.
- /queuejump [position] - Sets the position in queue the joining player will take. (0 - end of the queue (standard), 1 - place of uke, 2 - first in the queue, 3 - second in the queue, etc etc.
- /duel [amount] - Turn the duel mode on. The duels will cost the entered amount of tcs.
- /knockoutprize [amount] - Gives the specified amount of money to the winner of the knockout mode set in the room.
- /centerprint [text] (/cp) - Shows the typed text in the center of every player's (who is in the same room as you) screen.
/set commands.
*All the changes caused by these commands will work in the next game.
- /set - Shows the mod settings. You don't need to be an op to use the command.
- /set mod [mod.tbm] - Sets the mod.
- You can also use /lm [mod.tbm] to have the mod changed.
- /set matchframes [amount] (/set mf) - Sets the amount of frames for each match.
- /set turnframes [amount] (/set tf) - Sets the amount of frames per turn.
*If you need the turns to be of different length (like in aikido) then you have to type each turn's lenght using commas (without spaces). Example: /set tf 10,20,30,40.
- /set flags [Flag] - Sets the basic mod settings (disqualification, grabs, dismemberment and fracture). However, it's often used just to enable or disable grabs.
Flag | Settings (1 - on; 0 - off)
| DQ | DM | Frac | Grip
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
8 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
9 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
10 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
11 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
13 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
14 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
15 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
- /set dismemberment 0|1 (/set di) - Turns the dismemberment on (1) or off (0).
- /set fracture 0|1 (/set fr) - Turns the fracture on (1) or off (0).
- /set disqualification 0|1 (/set dq) - Turns the disqualification on (1) or off (0).
- /set dqtimeout [frame amount] - Sets the maximum amount of frames you can touch the ground before you dq.
- /set dqflag 0|1 - Sets up disqualificaion flags.
Dq | Dqflag| Result
1 | 0 | Dqtimeout works inside and outside dojo
1 | 1 | Dqtimeout works inside the dojo; outside it the disqualification is instant
0 | 0 | No dq inside the dojo; timed dq outside (dqtimeout works)
0 | 1 | No dq inside the dojo; instant disqualification outside
- /set dismemberthreshold [value] (/set dt) - Sets up an effort required to dismember the puppet (Higher value = more effort needed to rip the joints off).
- /set fracturethreshold [value] (/set ft) - Sets up an effort required to fracture a joint.
- /set dojotype 0|1 - Sets up the dojo type (0 - square; 1 - round).
- /set dojosize [value] (/set ds) - Sets up the dojo size.
- /set engagedistance [value] (/set ed) - Sets up the distance between tori and uke.
- /set engageheight [value] (/set eh) - Sets up the height above the ground where the puppets will be located.
- /set engagerotation [value] (/set er) - Sets up puppets' rotation (in degrees).
- /set damage [damage Flag] (/set da) - Sets the damage settings.
Flag | Result
0 | You achieve points for hitting your opponent.
1 | You achieve points for hitting your opponent; your opponent gets points when you touch yourself.
2 | Your opponent achieves points when you touch yourself.
- /set gravity [x z y] (/set gr) - Sets up the gravity on x/z/y axes.
- /set sumo 1|0 (/set su) - Turns the sumo settings on or off (1 - wrists and ankles doesn't dq when touching the ground, 0 - they DO dq).
- /set engageplayerpos [x (tori), z (tori), y (tori), x (uke), z (uke), y (uke)] - Sets up the puppets position.
- /set engageplayerrot [x (tori), y (tori), z (tori), x (uke), y (uke), z (uke)] - Sets up the puppets' joints' rotation. Does not work properly.
*These two commands are separated due to their instability. All the changes concerning tori will only work after the first turn. However, when I tried to leave uke's position as it is while changing tori's one, my client just crashed.
/house, /bet and other commands.
- /house [nickname] - Makes the player a room administrator who will earn tcs from using some commands. You are NOT required to be an op or a ingame administrator to be in a house.
- /house - Shows the nickname of the current room admin.
- /bet [amount] [nickname] - Bet the [amount] of tcs on the player.
*This command is mostly used on bettings when there's enough people to have profit from the bets. If there's a player in a house in this room, a part of the toricredits restricted by the maxrake will go to him. (see below)
- /enterfee [price] - Sets the price to enter the fight queue. All the tcs go to the house.
- /afkpenalty [price] - Sets the fine taken from the player being afk (afk - away from keyboard). All the tcs go to the house.
- /minbet [amount] - Sets up the minimum amount of tcs players will be allowed to bet.
- /betframes [frame amount] - Sets up the number of frames during which players will be allowed to place their bets.
- /maxrake [value] - Sets the maximum sum the house will be able to collect from the bets.
- /maxrake - Disables the maxrake option.
- /cancelbets - Cancels all the bets by paying them back.
- /rules - Shows the tourney price (works only for stable tournament servers such as tourney1), minbet, maxrake, enter fee and afk penalty.
- /tourneystats - Shows the house, house rake and enter fees.
*You have to be an op (@) or an ingame administrator (~) to use these commands.
The commands halfops (%) can use are colored.
- /operator [nickname] (/op) - Makes the choosen player a room operator making him able to control other players and change the room settings.
- /deoperator [nickname] (/deop) - Deops the choosen player.
- /fenter [nickname] (/fe) - Force-enters the choosen player placing him in the fight queue.
- /fspec [nickname] (/fsp) - The opposite command.
- /specall (/spa) - Makes all the players in a room spectators.
- /fknock [nickname] (/fk) - Places the player in the end of the fight queue.
- /scramble (/scr) - Randomly stirs the fight queue.
- /nudge [nickname] [position] (/nud) - Places the player at the choosen position in the fight queue.
- /nudgeup [nickname] (/nu) - Places the player at one position higher.
- /nudgedown [nickname] (/nd) - Places the player at one position lower.
- /kick [nickname] (/ki) - Kicks the player from the room.
- /ban [nickname] - Bans the player from the room.
- /ban [ip] - Bans the player's ip adress so he won't be able to reconnect even when he changes the account.
- /unban [nickname] - Removes the ban from the choosen player.
- /unban [ip] - Removes the ban from the ip adress.
- /clearbans - Removes all the bans by clearing the room banlist.
- /mute [nickname] (/mu) - Mutes the player making him enable to chat and shout.
- /unmute [nickname] (/un) - The opposite command.
- /muteall - Mutes all the players in the room. Mostly used in the beginning of ingame evens.
- /unmuteall - Unmutes all the players.
- /knockout (/ko) - Turns the knockout mode on (loosers are auto-specced without an opportunity of entering the fight queue by themselves again).
*You can see this command in action on tourneys.
- /lockdown (/ld) - "Closes" the fight queue. People who were spectators wouldn't be able to enter the queue and the ones who are waiting for their turn won't be able to become spectators.
*However, if someone connects to the room he'll be placed in the fight queue (not auto-specced).
- /hotseat - Turns the hotseat mode on. The player being on tori's place will always play (the result of the match doesn't make any difference).
*You can see this command in action on hotseat events (i.e. GMHotseat).
- /status - Shows every player's ip adress.
- /resolution [width] [height] (/re) - Sets the width and the height of the game client's window.
- /anaglyphic 0|1 (/an) - Turns the anaglyphic rendering on (1) or off (0).
*This command works properly only in old toribash versions like 3.69. You have to have the shaders be turned on to see how the command works.
- /depthoffield 0|1 (/dof) - Turns the depth of field effect on (1) or off (0).
*The shaders must be turned on. The command does not work properly.
- /loadworldshader [] (/lws) - Loads the environment shader.
*The shaders muse be turned on.
The list of /option commands
You can "cut off" some parts of the game client design for better performance (or in oppposite add something you need) by using
/option or its contraction
/opt. Remember that after every command you enter you have to type if you're enabling the choosen setting (1) or disabling it (0).
- /connect [adress:port] (/co) - Connects to the room by using its adress.
*Can be helpful when the room is ghosted.
- /reconnect (/rec) - Reconnects to the room you've last been to.
- /hush - Turns whispers on/off.
- /stats [nickname] - Shows the choosen player's statistics (belt, rank, qi, win ratio, number of wins and looses in this room since you've joined).
- /stats - Shows your account's stats.
- /clear (/cl) - Clears the chat.
- /chatlines (/chl) - Sets up the number of chatlines (18 max).
- /echo [text] (/ec) - Shows the text that only you will be able to see. Doesn't require the internet connection at all.
- /addbuddy [nickname] (/ab) - Adds the player to the buddies list.
- /removebuddy [nickname] (/rb) - Removes the player from the buddies list.
- /listbuddy (/lb) - Shows the buddies list.
- /addtab [tab name] (/at) - Creates a new chat tab (like when whispering).
- /closetab (/ct) - Closes the current chat tab.
- /chat [room] - Connects to the room so you can view its chat and write messages to the players (you'll be autospecced in that room).
*You can use that command even from the single player when using the 3.9 version.
- /download [nickname] (/dl) - Downloads the player's data to the "custom" folder.
- /loadplayer [0|1] [nickname] (/lp) - "Wears" the choosen's player items on Tori (0) or Uke (1).
- /loadgui [nickname] (/lg) - Downloads the choosen player's gui (menu) textures.
- /zoomplayer 0|1 (/zp) - Zooms the camera to Tori (0) or Uke (1) when they're far from each other.
- /cacheflames (/cf) - Downloads all the existing flames to the flames cache.
- /loadflame [0|1 id id id id id] (/lf) - Loads the flames (5 max) with the choosen ids and wears them on Tori (0) or Uke (1).
- /loadscript (/ls) [script name.lua] - Runs a script.
- /exec [file.tbs] - Runs a file with commands.
*The file must have a form of "%name%.tbs" and it has to be located in the game's root folder. All the commands should be typed without "/" in it.
- /matchmake [mod.tbm] [minbelt] [maxbelt] (/ma) - Enters the matchmake mode with the choosen settings.
- /history (/hi) - Shows all the entered messages (commands are included, too).
- /povshot [name.pov] (/ps) - Makes a screenshot in the .pov format for the POV-Ray rendering.
- /exportworld [mod.tbm] (/ew) - Saves the mod's world objects to a new mod.
- /exportrules [mod.tbm] (/er) - Saves the game rules of a current mod to a new one.
*Mods are saved to the game's root folder. To play them you have to move them to the mods folder located in data.
- /exportworldshader [] (/ews) - Saves the shader's data to a new file.
- /loadreplay [file.rpl] (/lr) - Loads the replay.
- /savereplay [file.rpl] (/sr) - Saves the replay.
- Basics
W,A,S,D & shift + W,A,S,D - Camera controlling
F - Save a replay
G - Enable/disable your puppet's ghost
B - Enable/disable both puppets' ghosts
C - Hold all / relax all
L - Grabs/ungrabs when moving cursor on the non-fractured/non-dismembered wrist
V - Grabs/ungrabs both hands
Z - Extends/contracts the joint
X - Holds/relaxes the joint
- Replay Viewing
ctrl + [ - Play the next replay
ctrl + ] - Play the previous replay
R - Play the replay from its beginning
P - Pause- shift + P - Play the replay frame-by-frame
E - Enter the replay editing mode
K - Save the keyframe
I - Delete all the keyframes
- Single Player (Free Play)
R (P) - Play the replay without finishing it
ctrl + N - Start making a new replay
- Chat
Enter/T - Open a chat window
Tab - Show more chatlines
Pgup - Scroll the chat up
Pgdn - Scroll the chat down
Home - Scroll the chat to its beginning
End - Scroll the chat to the end
- Other
ctrl + L - Open the flame forge menu
ctrl + Y - Show the sound menu
ctrl + U - Enter the matchmaking mode
ctrl + J - Enter the flame browser
ctrl + M - Enter the mods menu
ctrl + G - Show the game rules
ctrl + H - Enter the shader menu
ctrl + enter - Fullscreen mode
f5/f6/f7/f8 - Take a screenshot
ctrl + f7 - Take every frame's shot into a .pov file
Translated specially for the English speaking community

Last edited by ed; Mar 19, 2020 at 10:20 PM.