Weekend Bash
View Poll Results: What replay is a worthy winner of the first ever TB replay competition
Deerslayer - paralepsy
23 Votes / 30.67%
Gnarf - destroyified
7 Votes / 9.33%
Nokturnal - headball
18 Votes / 24.00%
P4zuz - p4zuz ager shadowmist
3 Votes / 4.00%
Shadomist - Tomo nage
3 Votes / 4.00%
Veb - wtfgrab2
21 Votes / 28.00%
Voters: 75. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Toribash replay competition May 2006
Great replays!

Poll is running for seven days. 1 vote per user.

You can download the replays here:

Or check out a movie file (with sucky framerate.. sorry) of all the replays:



Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
Nobody voted for that one I submitted. :
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
heh... nobody voted for mine either.... But I didn't expect to win anyway.. It is kind of cool though... *blink* *blink* Maybe you should take a look at it and.... *blink* maybe consider... I don't know...eer.. *cough* vote *cough*

Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
Competition is soon over.

The render will take aprox 12 hours to compute!! :P

Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
LOL 12 HOURS!! That's a long time!
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Toribash replay competition May 2006
Here is a link of the ray traced HeadBall replay. Winner of the replay competition.

it's xvid encoded, 4M in size.


no sounds yet. I'll have to fix that somehow.

