Weekend Bash
Original Post
When do people usually play?
It's pretty hard for me to find people to play with (granted, I only got the game yesterday) so I was wondering when you guys usually play.

It seems like there aren't that many people playing yet, so starting up the game randomly and finding someone idling in multiplayer is like winning the lottery.

Do you all know each other and send your buddies a note over icq or aim whenever you want to play or are there fixed times for your toribash sessions?

If not, it would be a good idea to set a time when most people can and want to play so you don't have to wait endlessly for someone to join you in multiplayer.

Re: When do people usually play?
When i want to play i can contact Anothergamer, Guybrush and Upthorn because i know them from another place, so the best way to play online right now really is to find someone who wants to play with you before going to toribash.
Re: When do people usually play?
heh usually always when I log onto multiplayer there is someone there ;)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: When do people usually play?
There came a big crowd from Something Awful forums yesterday.

There are now tree servers up at ports 20184, 20185, 20186.

They wait on the default port 20184 can be up to 30 minutes, so use the other servers for more frequent bouts.

Re: When do people usually play?
I've never seen so many people playing toribash before!
I'm really pleased that heaps of people like it and I congradulate Hampa for such an awesome game, looks like other people agree with me too!
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: When do people usually play?
We had a big wave last night of players from the Penny Arcade forums, too.

Thanks so much for this game, it is fabulous.
Re: When do people usually play?
I'm usually on at around 2 in the afternoon and about 8:30 in the evening, a lot earlier that that on weekends.
Re: When do people usually play?
any time of the day, you can find me on 9am to midnight i scatter here and there with my playing i'm on the eastern time zone usually find me in the 20185 or 20186 servers