Weekend Bash
Original Post
servers that you know of.|> 250 frames /10 frames per move Difficulty: beginner|> 200 frames/30 frames per move  Difficulty: Intermediate|> 200 frames/30 frames per move  Difficulty: Intermediate|> 120 frames/10 frames per move   Difficulty: Beginner|> 120 frames/10 frames per move   Difficulty: Beginner|> 120 frames/10 frames per move   Difficulty: Beginner
Here is a list of servers that i know of, if you have any to add, then simply use this template|> 0 frames/0 frames per move   Difficulty: 0

Seems like there are alot of servers but most of them private, if anyone could show how to make a private server, or a public server by hosting it yourself or from a webhost please do so..
Re: servers that you know of.
Hampa gave someone from SomethingAwful server software for the specific reason to stop them from absolutely overcrowding the normal 3 servers. Considering that there are 11 different servers on that first IP adress, and they're usually all occupied, many with large crowds, it was a very good idea . They're "private" in that they're intended for SomethingAwful, but I'm not sure anybody cares if their info goes public.

And I really don't think there's a "lot" of servers, just two main server IPs, one official, and one for SA goons.
Re: servers that you know of.
I didn't know that SomethingAwful had their own private toribash server. Hmph.
Infact I thought there was only a couple of servers
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: servers that you know of.
The 3 official servers are completely unplayable for me lately.

I never had a single disconnection before, but since yesterday I can't play two consecutive matches without a packet loss. Only happens on these three servers, the SA servers are fine but most of them have wacky 420/69 settings or some crap like that.
Re: servers that you know of.
I'm pretty new to Toribash and I've tried to play multiplayer several times. Every time the game disconnects after a few seconds. It's completely unplayable. How do I select a server?
Re: servers that you know of.
There is plenty of problems in the current server code, thus why hampa has nearly finished the new version. He has pretty much recoded everything and it all should be _MUCH_ more stable.
You guys must remember that Toribash is still in early stages of development and it will not be bug-free.
The people who are having problems at the current server code should be able to play on the new release

Just wait for the new release and I'm sure you will see a lot less bugs due to server problems. ;)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: servers that you know of.
Anyone can join the Something Awful servers, here's the server infos. - 300 / 20 - 200 / 30 - 120 / 10 - 480 / 40 - 480 / 40 - 480 / 40 - 480 / 40 - 480 / 40 - 250 / 10 - 200 / 30 - 200 / 30 - 120 / 10 no DQ! - 200 / 30 no DQ!
Re: servers that you know of.
What exactly do you type to get into the servers? I've been using the one that automatically pops up when you want to play other people but it fails to connect and I've tried typing out some of the addresses given in this thread but no dice.
Re: servers that you know of.
You may be having some firewall problems. Do you have a firewall running? A firewall is like Norton etc.
Sometimes these 3rd party programs will be blocking toribash.exe from connecting to the internet.
You may have the windows firewall enabled if you don't have any 3rd party firewalls open. The windows firewall is quite annoying because it blocks things without telling you and is sometimes quite confusing.
So, if you do have a firewall i'd suggest turning it off and then trying Toribash - if it works, then you will have to open up the firewall and 'allow' toribash.exe
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: servers that you know of.
Yeah, sorry :o I realised the mistake I was making. I put a dot instead of a colon before the last number group.