Weekend Bash
Original Post
Toribash 5.43-beta1 (Steam, Windows only)
Hi, 5.43 beta 1 is now available on Steam on beta branch

Updates in 5.43:
- New queue list dropdown (shows basic player info by default, dropdown options depend on your room permissions)
- Ingame reports in queuelist dropdown (scam reports are automatically submitted to scam reports board, all other reports can only be seen by staff)
- Vanilla colors and 3D item previews in Store (press "preview" button to open, ESC to toggle between default Store view and vanilla preview)
- Upgraded inventory
- Autosaved replays are now sorted by creation date (newest first)

Known bugs:
- "Preview" button in store is out of place and is shown for all items instead of only those that support it
- Hair items cannot be previewed in vanilla item preview
- Items cannot be upgraded from inventory

If you spot any bugs, post what you've found and how I can replicate it in this thread and I'll send you 10k.
Last edited by sir; Jul 3, 2019 at 03:20 PM.
A bug I found
Whenever I try to join a multiplayer game it just closes the app, even with making my own lobby
How to replicate: Idk I guess just go into multiplayer


Looks like latest executables were broken, sorry.
Reverted Windows build to what I tested on earlier (it should be essentially same but not that broken and labelled as 5.42). Linux and macOS builds will be made available next week.
Updated, now it's available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Previously listed bugs are now fixed.
Originally Posted by sir
press "preview" button to open, ESC to toggle between default Store view and vanilla preview

After that, press the regular "Back" button in navigation
Made another update live, this one is close to release version:

- "All events" view in News (data may not always load as only one of two servers has been updated so far)
- Stability fixes and updates for upcoming events

Current build won't always work properly on mac and Linux, so if you're not a Windows user and opted in for beta you'll need to wait for a release version next week.
found a bug where the steampunk joints are supersized, no idea if this has anything to do with beta but its a bug nevertheless

Not a bug, game loaded inbetween customs loading (item.dat updated but models haven't yet or vice versa)
5.43 is now out: https://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=629769
Last edited by sir; Jul 19, 2019 at 09:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump