Weekend Bash
Original Post
Fastest Backflip
I had this idea for a record, would also work for front flips as well.

I think the ruling would be that the frames start when both feet leave the ground, and end when both feet touch. In the case of this replay, my feet leave at 9852, and touch at 9799, so a 53 frame backflip. I think it would keep the record more interesting if the rule was that both feet must leave on the same frame, as I did in this replay.

Edit: Would probably need it to be ruled that after your feet touch, nothing else can touch except both feet (which would be you completing the backflip)

This is obviously not a very good record attempt, however I just wanted to get the idea out there and see if it would be added.
In case this does end up getting approved or something, here is a faster one. The problem is that, it feels like a very unnatural landing to a backflip but I can't think of a way to make a rule that wouldn't allow this without being way too specific, so oh well.
Attached Files
fastest backflip - 53.rpl (33.0 KB, 17 views)
fastest backflip - 50.rpl (33.1 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by Kris; Jan 4, 2022 at 03:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Maybe our tricking colleagues can clarify this, but what is the threshold for something to be considered a backflip? What if tori is very low and glutes are fully extended the whole time to make it faster?
oh yeah
For starters the gravity isn't -30 so in my eyes that already should negate it, don't think this should be a thing on the basis with any variation of a flip would be able to be made into a "fastest ____"

If it were to be a thing there'd have to be something like, feet planted to the ground flush and not just twitching into a beyblade that magicaly is upright.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Maybe our tricking colleagues can clarify this, but what is the threshold for something to be considered a backflip? What if tori is very low and glutes are fully extended the whole time to make it faster?

Well, I would assume the same ruling here would apply for the "most flips" record. If there can be a most flips, that means we can reason about what a flip really is, and apply it here, no?

Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
For starters the gravity isn't -30 so in my eyes that already should negate it, don't think this should be a thing on the basis with any variation of a flip would be able to be made into a "fastest ____"

If it were to be a thing there'd have to be something like, feet planted to the ground flush and not just twitching into a beyblade that magicaly is upright.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about, to be quite honest... I thought all records were done with classic settings, except for obvious variations like "highest DM threshold" and "highest fall survived", etc.
Originally Posted by Kris View Post
Well, I would assume the same ruling here would apply for the "most flips" record. If there can be a most flips, that means we can reason about what a flip really is, and apply it here, no?

For some reason I assumed that you have some interest in it being a "proper" backflip, when I read the word backflip I thought of the trick itself along with all of the player-made conventions and standards there are in tricking.
Most flips hasn't had dubious situations as far as I remember because it's always a high jump and mostly about the set up, not so much the technique of the flip itself, so everyone ends up doing it similarly. When I questioned what a backflip is I was imagining potential submissions similar to the attached replay or more extreme.

However if you mean a backflip in the most reductive way possible, then I think I'm not opposed to the idea. Running records have been removed in the past in part because it's difficult to quantify, and to some extent I feel the same about a backflip, but not nearly as much. Fine by me as long as other lmods agree.

On the basis of it being such a simple trick, I think this should really be the only speed trick record, otherwise we'd be hard pressed to argue against the same record for other tricks.
Attached Files
e.rpl (71.7 KB, 22 views)
Last edited by pusga; Jan 7, 2022 at 12:09 AM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
However if you mean a backflip in the most reductive way possible, then I think I'm not opposed to the idea. Running records have been removed in the past in part because it's difficult to quantify, and to some extent I feel the same about a backflip, but not nearly as much. Fine by me as long as other lmods agree.

On the basis of it being such a simple trick, I think this should really be the only speed trick record, otherwise we'd be hard pressed to argue against the same record for other tricks.

I think as long as it fits the same definition of a flip as the most flips record, we should be alright. what I'm worried about is people doing some kind of one-footed flip where they barely go upside down, and try to pass it off as a flip. What quantifies as a flip must be clearly defined and understood by everyone and anyone wanting to attempt this.

Also I'd like to make the record more generalized and just call it 'Fastest Flip' instead of 'Fastest Back/Front Flip" if we do decide to add it. We don't need other variants.
Originally Posted by pusga View Post

On the basis of it being such a simple trick, I think this should really be the only speed trick record, otherwise we'd be hard pressed to argue against the same record for other tricks.

only fastest flip, or nothing at all. imo
Last edited by Rfifan; Jan 10, 2022 at 11:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
What quantifies as a flip must be clearly defined and understood by everyone and anyone wanting to attempt this.
only fastest flip, or nothing at all. imo

The way I've personally thought would be best to describe it is a full rotation where your feet go over your head. Both feet need to leave on the same frame, as well as land on the same frame. The reason for the last two restrictions is to prevent weird gainer cheesing. Both feet leave the same turn, both feet land the same frame, and your feet must leave the ground, rotate backward and over your head, and then must touch the ground. When they touch, it needs to also be the same frame for both feet just like leaving. I think this could be explained in much more simple terms, probably, but it works for both front flips and back flips and shouldn't leave room for cheesing it with gainers or anything weird.

I wonder if for interest sake, the timing should start as soon as the replay starts? This wouldn't allow people to do interesting setups like pusga did, however it might prove to be more interesting as otherwise it will just be mostly about the setup. Not sure how I feel about this but figured I should mention it just in case.