Weekend Bash
Original Post
Toribash 5.60 alpha - iOS

This thread is primarily targeted at gaining feedback on the iOS version of Toribash.
Sign up for testing: https://toribash.com/ios_signup

Information for testers:

Build 230320 changelog:

  • If you encounter any crashes, please make sure to submit a report when prompted by your device.
  • For any other issues you can either submit feedback from TestFlight app or post it here.
  • Tap joints to change their state, long press to trigger joint state selection wheel
  • Some hud buttons (e.g. Ready) show additional controls on long press
  • Move camera by moving finger around, pinch to zoom in or out
Last edited by sir; Apr 18, 2023 at 06:59 AM.
Tried it for a few minutes, a few things to note are:

1) It wasn't very intuitive going back from the menu to the game again. Like, instead of just clicking on the empty spaces to immediately resume playing, I had to press the "close menu" tab to get back to the game.

2) Was caught off guard by the non-inverted camera. Might be nice to have a setting that allows user to choose if they want the camera to be inverted or not. (Might just be me though)

3) Clicking on the joints was quite okay, has a similar feel to clicking the joints with the mouse

Edit: After trying it in mp, its quite hard to click the joints as fast as I would with a mouse. The joints just seems too small to click accurately

4) For some reason it autosaves replays? I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen, or if there's a way to make it not do this.

5) Commands seems to work fine, though I've only tried /en, /sp, and /opt

6) Battery consumption as of now is not very good. Lost 10-12% battery in 30 minutes ish while using iPhone 14 pro max

Those are just some things I would like to mention from my first impressions of the version, might add more feedback as I play the game more.
Last edited by Loona; Mar 13, 2023 at 05:04 PM.
Originally Posted by Loona View Post
Tried it for a few minutes, a few things to note are:

1) It wasn't very intuitive going back from the menu to the game again. Like, instead of just clicking on the empty spaces to immediately resume playing, I had to press the "close menu" tab to get back to the game.

I agree with LOONA on this. I got very confused at first trying to get back in-game. I think being able to click on an empty space to get back to the game would be preferable.

Originally Posted by Loona View Post
2) Was caught off guard by the non-inverted camera. Might be nice to have a setting that allows user to choose if they want the camera to be inverted or not. (Might just be me though)

You’re not the only one, I would rather have the option to use inverted camera too.

Originally Posted by Loona View Post
6) Battery consumption as of now is not very good. Lost 10-12% battery in 30 minutes ish while using iPhone 14 pro max

I agree with this too. I think the game needs to be a little bit more optimised so the battery doesn’t run out too quickly.

By playing the game in multiplayer, I noticed changing hand state (grab/ungrab) takes precious seconds considering it takes longer on mobile to get his tori ready than it takes time on pc. I would recommend the add of a button that would act like (v) on pc.
Last edited by Tyka; Mar 13, 2023 at 09:13 PM.
I fucking hate Loona
A V button is definitely in order as trying to grab can be annoying especially if the hand is in a weird places.

Also I think a mini tori on the side of the screen that allows you to control joints without clicking the tori could be extremely useful (kinda like the toribash clone that exists on the app store) especially in grappling mods when it becomes hard to see where the joints are when they are compressed. I found myself not being able to hit the joint I wanted a few times. I think this would also allow for faster inputs to allow ios users to be more competitive.

Also autosaved replays don't show up idk where to find them.

Overall though I think it feels really good and the graphics don't take much of a hit. New room list looks fire.
I found 2 more bugs again:

1) in the mod settings, I can't change the parameters (turnframes for example). When the "Apply" button is pressed, the "factory" settings are set

2) when saving a replay, in the field where the name is written - the icon "invalid name" appears
First russian Ninja
Sometimes it bugs doesn’t let me tap joints, and no matter where I click it brings up this menu. Idk the cause but it’s happened multiple times. also I’d like an option to turn it off since I don’t even use it.
Last edited by froog; Mar 16, 2023 at 11:42 PM.

Another joint bug, it’s counting the tap and release as separate clicks I believe. Still bugged in other mods, stayed until I restarted game

I’m using the all four joints control mode which works fine 95% of the time

Don’t know the cause but it has happened before, more rare than the previous bug I reported

Edit: I managed to replicate it in the event again, started when I used the rocket hands so maybe grabbing is the cause or something
Last edited by froog; Mar 16, 2023 at 03:27 PM.
i noticed that there are a lot of singleplayer stuff that isn't there like a shift space and you can't edit the replay either
Hold the "Ready" button to show alternative stepping options, single frame stepping is there.

Looking into other bugs mentioned here and submitted through TestFlight feedback, changed / fixed some of it earlier this week.
Next build will likely be made available on Monday (as I likely won't be able to finish it today).