@Eli, ConCon used to lead a clan like 1 year ago. Now he was clanless so he applied, speaking of which he just got accepted in (AS)!

Grats concon, hope to see you in some clan wars!
"We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire"
War war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war war! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
i'm hype as fuck as my girlfriend is coming over this evening ;) gonna watch some movies n' shit so i might not be able to get ingame.