Original Post
[s] Western Union Toricredit Shop
Hello, and welcome to my Toricredit shop.

PM me if you're interested in purchasing Toricredits - I'll be accepting USD mainly through PayPal.

But before we start a transaction, here are a few things that you should keep in mind:

A) You must pay any and all applicable fees
B) Send money as "friend or family"
C) If and when we reach a deal, please include the following information in a message that you'll send along with the money:

i) Your Toribash username
ii) The amount of Toricredits that you are expecting to buy
iii) And the TC/USD conversion factor that we agreed on

Format: I, <insert username here>, am sending $XX USD to WesternUnion in exchange for XXXk Toricredits. The rate that we discussed and agreed on was XXk TC/USD.

My current stock is 240.000 TC *

*Will be updated as money will be moved in or out; can alternatively be found here.
Last edited by WesternUnion; Jul 27, 2016 at 01:25 AM.
Originally Posted by Chirox View Post
Do you also buy tc?

Not at the moment, no.
Originally Posted by Chirox View Post
I see ur selling at 12k. I am selling at better rates

I don't know where you got that rate from. I've never stated 12k/usd?
Last edited by WesternUnion; Jul 27, 2016 at 12:07 AM.
Again, to reiterate, I have no fixed rate. Each transaction varies; I'm willing to negotiate rates.

Also, stock is now at 240.000 TC
Last edited by WesternUnion; Jul 27, 2016 at 01:27 AM.