Not sure, but surely I'll become a zombie, so I'll just do everything I always wanted to do before I die/be a zombie.
I would first off find a remote town with at least a police station or some sort of Local Enforcement, just something that had loads of good guns, then just hold out there and fight until i get infected, then i'd have all the powers a (true) zombie would have!

Then i'd go eat people :>
Last edited by mwebs1; Jul 20, 2012 at 10:13 AM.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Zombies? Nah...
World War III would be more effective.
Taking out the fact that science is a big troll, we have to consider that a zombie apocalypse would not be noticed in the first weeks, due to obvious reasons.
So imagine if you were at home, watching television in your couch, then all of sudden zombies, lots of them, punching your door desperately trying to eat your flesh...result = You're dead.

Now let's do it again, you're walking in the street, alone, around midnight, and there's a horde(not necessarily, just 8 or 10) zombies roaming you, you don't know that they are zombies, because probably they're not yet in state of decay, smelling? Yeah, probably a beggar, you think. You have no idea of what is going on, and you try to avoid them(C'mon, it's midnight), suddenly you get surrounded. You can miraculously escape without a bite and go home(see above) or run to a police station(wich wouldn't be a good idea either. Quick explanation = ammo and noise)

Oh, and by the way, we wouldn't even know what type of disease it would be, so it could be very contagious or not contagious at all.

Tl;dr : We would be caught offguard.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
Zombie apocalypse?

I'd get stoned, rob every fucking store and eat all the shit I'd ever want.

Then, maybe kill some zombies'n shit...
Spend it with my friends and family that are still alive.I would get a lot of swords. REAL zombies cannot feel pain as their brain does not function properly, so I would just chop everything up. I would try to take them to some type of store, where there is food to last us for a while. When the food runs out, we steal, until all of us die.

If I am the last person alive in the world, I would just give up and jump on to the zombie horde for me to become infected. This way, if the disease clears out, I will be saved and would (hopefully) continue my normal life.
Originally Posted by Frost-Dragon View Post
If all else fails, what would be your plan for ending everything? Before you got eaten alive. Or would you just sit there, like a previous statement made?

I'd have to think it through, need a foolproof plan.
Zombie apocalypse? Has anyone ever seen The Mist (The newer one)? The military would end it in at the most two days.

If not, though, I would do this:

Take my laptop, my knife, a lighter, and a cellphone. I would then strap a pillow onto my chest (Sounds stupid, but it would keep their bites from reaching me). I would also take lots of canned good and put it into my backpack. I will take foot since cars drive a lot of attention. My hypothesis is that zombies do not have the ability to see, therefore, I would try to be tactical and not attack unless they hear me. I live near a high school, so I could use that as a haven. If I run out of food.... I might have to make people think I will help them, then I... I will kill them and eat them. I'd probably not even have to worry about that since there is a shitload of muffins. The supermarket is too far and too dangerous to risk over. Barricading will be easy. Weaponry is also not a problem if you are creative enough. You can even keep proper hygiene. It's easy and very very simple.

All the stuff I took with me? They are back up!
Last edited by shooter190; Jul 20, 2012 at 05:38 PM. Reason: Changing a word
I'd say it more depends on the zombie. if they are the running, spitting "28 days later" zombies, probably die. The shambling "Night of the living dead" zombies; Don some of my chain-mail and set up a strobe-light and megaphone set to siren and kill them all at my leasure while they are distracted.
Originally Posted by Onimaru View Post
I'd say it more depends on the zombie. if they are the running, spitting "28 days later" zombies, probably die. The shambling "Night of the living dead" zombies; Don some of my chain-mail and set up a strobe-light and megaphone set to siren and kill them all at my leasure while they are distracted.

I know I just posted, and I hate to be "that guy," but the running "zombies" aren't really zombies. They are just infected.
The running zombies and the shambling dead only differ in the moment they 'turn'. The running turn before they die. The shambling dead turn after they die. It's two different realms of zombie.

The running zombies simply need to be waited out and will decay or damage themselves past useable condition in a couple of months.

The shambling dead don't suffer this attrition and must be destroyed. Thank goodness they are slow.