Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Event] Write me a story :^)
So, the rules are simple.
-Write the best story
-Follow the guidelines

The winnings will be everything in my inventory and a specialized drawing that I will make for you, the winner, yeah.

The guidelines are
-It must be a story about me
-Include Internet :^)

Date due = 48 hours from this post.

The judging will be made by me.
Opinion based, and if you followed the rules (they're quite easy).

Thanks burs!

p.s - if you get infracted for your story i will draw a picture for you, no im not condoning bad behaviour but it would still be sweg.

Last edited by hobo; Jul 12, 2013 at 05:47 AM.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Once upon a time, I was taking a walk.
This walk was so amazing, that I ended up falling down and becoming paralyzed because my walk was awesome and my swag was just too much for my feet.

Hobo was walking beside me, holding my hand because we are a couple and love each other dearly.
I told him that I was pregnant, and he punched me in the stomach and shouted "lol fuk u cunt u r ded 2 me" while running away from me.
Internet died.
pics of interstupid and arapoon:

lol hahahah

Our child:


Last edited by Aracoon; Jul 13, 2013 at 02:08 AM.
Thn I ws liek, sht dood, mi mum is stl n th hoos. yu (Hobo) sad u wer gon to fuk mi mum up, and u sward all ofer me mum.

Internet was bron.
Last edited by Fancy; Jul 12, 2013 at 05:24 AM.
nothing much

Okay so once upon a time Hobo's dad was scarface and he had sex with a hooker and hobo was born.
Hobo was unlike most boys his age. He had no forehead. Despite being different though, he was never sad.
When people made fun of him he tracked them down and kidnapped them in their sleep, and then left them tied up in a forest to rot.
He grew up with a strong disposition, not willing to change for anyone, not even the police. Once time he tripped on the sidewalk and he went to the ER for fighting the pavement.
As he grew up he learned some basic truths in life. That drugs and sex are all that matter. He knew deep down that it didn't matter how he obtained these things. The man could not keep him down. When he turned 16 he dropped out of highschool and fused a metal plate onto his forehead, utilizing his metal plate as a way to beat his foes to death.
While many moralfags would say he was twisted in the mind, he found no happiness in murder. Only sexual pleasure.
When he left school he took to selling hard drugs, but knew it wasn't where his heart was.
He moved his business to Somalia and began a human trafficking business on the side. He slowly learned that that was where his heart was, and focused more on that. One day when he was inspecting his slaves he stumbled upon a young 13 year old boy named internet. He asked, "What's your name, kid?"
He timidly replied, "I-internet, sir." Hobo then peed on internet's forehead and said "I hate the shy ones." He then took him into a secluded room where he subsided for multiple days. After a week someone came inside the room to make sure hobo was okay. They only found hobo lying on the ground dead with a giant smile on his face, scattered around him were the dismembered limbs of internet, partially eaten by hobo. Written on the walls in blood, there is historical evidence of hobo finding peace in the gospel of shrek.
The end.
Last edited by THIGGIST; Jul 12, 2013 at 04:51 AM.
Once apon a Hobo...

There was once a hobo. Not any hobo but a Hobomoose. He just wasn't any moose. A cool Hobo who got his moose cut off of him. The surgery wasn't very sound as it could be. He fractured his limbs in the surgery. Then there was this fine lad named Internet , he made sure to make hobo laugh when he had no limbs. He then had limbs because echoforce. After that there was a epic battle, The great battle of 0'4 , ZeTo vs. Hobo the rap battle was so intense that life itself had to watch before these gods as they shoot rhymes cannons at eachother. I will post the fight but. Be prepared as this was as intense as it could ever get.

Battle of 0'4

After this Fight of 0'4 Hobo was crippled. Not physically but mentally , his dignity was taken away. He was so low that he even scammed echoforce...
this was a sad day for hobo as he was being made fun of everyone in the world.

Here is what happened...

After this fateful year, Hobo finally proved himself. He repaid his debt to Echoforce and then went to die by scarface because. scarface
wow so many good stories
kep em cumin
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Hobo was an angsty 15 year old white kid and someone at school(internet) called him a doodyhead and it made hobo super mad so he broke his parents heads open at night with his rock hard rock and used their blood to use dark magic and he began to drink the blood and gouge his eyes and lose his sanity and tear at his throat and then he heard a demonic scream after his chant and the dark messiah of ancient darkness named bagool came and the bagool said "hey wat u wan" and hobo killed bagool absorbed his powers and became the dark messiah himself and then he summoned 800 billion mosquitos and reined chaos on the world and all the people he mercilessly slaughtered he resurrected and then he said i will save you and then he slowly killed them again and hobo laughed and lost himself and he would massacre 1000s of babies to get some mcdonalds and he slowly was englufed by darkness and the world became a cesspool of firey agony and mosquitoes that eat their flesh as they cal to a god that wil never come and save them and then he gathers all of the pain and misery in the last seconds they suffer and omit it into a large capsul made of mutilated corpses to create a being of pure anger and pain and the stood at the top of the world and stared down at the crumbling earth that he once knew as home and he saw the millions dying and screaming and he realised what he did and he thought about the consequences to his actions and he said #yolo
Last edited by THIGGIST; Jul 12, 2013 at 05:28 AM.
that actually happened
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again

Explicit content. Read at your own risk.

This second story was my original, but I removed it because of the rules. I am just putting it up for people to see; it is not my entry.

Explicit content. Read at your own risk.

Last edited by Volare; Jul 13, 2013 at 10:09 AM.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
A person That was afraid of the Big world.Hobo was all alone in a ally he had booze a cardboard Box and Leftovers in the Garbage but he was thinking what was so empty in his life He then rest the whole Day when he woke up that night he discover a portal That leads to the internet He then jump out his Cardboard Box and Start Entering The Portal there, there was a man name Internet then they started to have a conversation:



Hobo:What is this Place?

Internet:This the Inter area of the Internet where Every File from here is delivered.

Hobo:Can you help me find a way to get back home?

Internet: Sure,Follow me.

So Both Men walk down The Inter Area to Find Hobo's Way back Home.

Hobo: So where do you Live Internet?

Internet: I live Near the Inter area, I just work here.

Hobo: ...ok.

Internet: Hey were Here.

Internet:Careful there is a Dragon Name Rawr Here he is protecting this place.

[Hobo Sneaks over to the MainFrame]


Rawr:[Roars] WHATS GOING ON?!

Hobo:Plzs Don't Kill me.

Rawr: Don't worry I won't Kill you,...RAW! [Breathes Fire]

Hobo:[Dodges] Woah.!

Internet: HOBO!


Internet: Take This?

Hobo what is this?

Internet: A paralyzer,Its the only way to stop it.

Hobo:[Grabs it] Thanks Internet,[Trips] ooff.

Rawr: any Last words?

Hobo: Yes, Its Paralized


[Rawr Dies]

Hobo: That was close,Thanks for helping me out

Interneton't Mention It

Hobo: do you wanna become Friends?

Internet: Sure.

[So Internet and Hobo Huged and Said GoodBye Hobo Rented a House
Bought a computer and Played everyday of the week Because Internet supportedhim Night in and Out In His Dreams or His Mind He will Not Forget about Internet.

The End


Story By

Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719