Original Post
Rule change - 'Nigger' and context
Gynx's argument:
Currently there's a rule regarding the usage of the word 'nigger'. This rule is such that you are not allowed to use it in what the staff has defined as "public space" - this refers to the entirety of the forum, official servers in-game and the IRC channels #toribash & #support. Using 'nigger' in any of those places allows a moderator to infract or ban you at his or her discretion. Staff justify this kind of policing of servers as they believe removing 'nigger' from the vocabulary of officially endorsed Toribash Community mediums is a small price to pay for a more cohesive community experience. It is worth noting that any private channels (i.e: private IRC channels or private servers in-game) are not policed and we are free to do as we want there regarding the language we use.

Ele's argument:
My argument is that context is everything. It doesn't matter that you use the word, what matters is how you use it. There are certain contexts in which somebody might use the word when they aren't using it to offend anyone. For example, a friend might say to another friend "What up, my nigger". In the context of that usage, I'm sure nobody actually believes there's any hatred behind that word, nobody believes that guy is being racist to his friend. How can we tell that? We can tell by the context.

Should we be banning and infracting people for racism in situations when they clearly aren't being racist? Racism is all about being prejudiced. My point is that if there's no prejudice behind the usage of the word (which you can determine by the context it was used in), then it's not racist to use it. It then follows that we shouldn't punish people for racism when they're not being racist. I'm calling for common sense moderation of the word, instead of censorship.

What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Ele; Nov 27, 2015 at 10:31 AM.