Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Internet Explorer 8
Micro$oft released their new browser yesterday. DOWNLOAD AND OBEY!


My favorite feature is that if the browser crashes, only a tab gets closed, and not the entire damned .exe

(User infracted for this post.... dont knock it before you've tried it)
Last edited by avwave; Mar 20, 2009 at 04:26 PM.
old release is old. I've had ie8 for a month or so. I hate ie, but netflix watch it now doesn't work with firefox 3.1 beta. I ran acid3 test on both firefox beta and ie. firfox got 97, ie got 0 and then crashed.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Why i infracted i tryed it!
it just laggy shiz!

User has been infracted for this post (Useless post/Complaining)
Last edited by RedDevil; Mar 20, 2009 at 09:04 PM.
i'm stuck using ie6, cuz the installer never finishes and screws up.

Hope the ie8 one is easier

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

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Incognito - [o]
I prefer Firefox 3 much more.
I have IE8 on my Windows 7 BETA and I rarely use it.
tried, but i still think i'll stick with firefox

the anti crash tab thingy is cool though

Dunno, but it's definitely better than ie7
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Microsoft is like an ex-girl friend who left just as things got really good because she thought she could do "better". Then after she went out and got rejected, she came crawling back, stil wearing her slutty new cloths and trying to impress you with thing you never cared about in the first place. And no matter how many memories you have with her, you just cant look past the herpes.

>.> Anyone else feel like that?

Anyways, yeah, download Firefox 3 and enjoy, obeying is for suckers.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.