I know but I felt as if i was disregarding all of your hard work if I messed with it at all.
Never trust a commie.
well i cant set more than 2k frames and more than half of my mods are NOT ment to be for multiplayer / 2k frames.
the one you played is definitly possible in 2000.
others of mine need around 5000 frames ( check my hoax_parkour.tbm mod )
couple of very good parkour players are working on it and no one finished it yet.
[06:53]Sissykick: my friend was the hottest drag queen in the group.
Really nice mods! the first one (Obstacle course) reminds me of Assassin's Creed 3 Animus obstacle couse. Very impressive.

Gonna try them.
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
I love the colors on the first one, but on the first one alone. Try looking at concept art and color palettes for some inspiration.
PM me with any and all questions