Original Post
[R]20k Head!
Hey im requesting a Zack Ryder head
Since nobody wanted to do the set request i will bring it down to a head

Purple should be the primary colors and i dont care what other colors you use
I want it 128x128
If i am extremely happy with it i will pay 40k
Post WIP's
The end date is when i am satisfied with the head

I think i"m in,
what words you would like on yo head?\
Broski, woo hoo or something
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
I was actually working on your set before.. I just didn't post on the thread.
No worries though, I'll just work on the head for now.
I had half of the headband done before so I'll finish it off now.
Dose is dead.