Original Post
[Request] Acid/Demon Set ~~~ Up to 50K reward
Well, the request is in the title.
The prize is up to 50k, meaning:
If I like it, around 20k...
If I LOVE it, 50k.
~ I am a Spartan ~
so you want a full detailed Acid (primary)/ Demon (secondary) set

and you pay 20k if you just like it and 50k if you find it amazing...

ok I will do my best ;)
I am spartaman: This is my main account.

However, just switch the colors.
Demon: Primary
Acid: Secondary

I will raise the price to automatically 50K.
It is now a fixed rate! If I like it, you get 50K, no more 20-50K
may i ask you do you like this one(can recolour the green to acid)

And 128x128
Last edited by gheorghe95; Oct 8, 2009 at 02:33 PM. Reason: forgot to post example