Original Post
Translate word. Get TC. (French, Spanish, German, Italian)

First to give me a proper translation of the following words get 10k for each sentence.

Exit Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Conexion Wi-Fi de Nintendo en linea Salir de la Conexión Wi-Fi de Nintendo - JonNario
Online linea En Linea - Ryukendo99
save guardar un Guardar - Carloz01
error code Error de Codigo Código de error - Ryukendo99

hampa wins hampa Siege hampa gewinnt - wiirus

error code Erreur du code code d'erreur - Ryukendo99

error code codice de error ?

*Strike out text is the current incorrect translation.

Please do NOT use google translate. If you don't know for sure and are 100% certain... don't guess.

Thanks everybody for the help.

If you think the translation is wrong and know a better one. PLEASE let me know. This include "playername gewinnt".
Last edited by hampa; Jan 20, 2010 at 09:12 AM.
I may not be french spanish nor german but I try.


Online - en línea
Exit Nintendo Wi-fi Connection - Salir de Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Salga de la conexión de Nintendo Wi-fi
Save - salvar, parada, excepto
Error Code - código de error


Hampa wins - hampa gewinnt, hampa gewinne

Durrhurr, I used two translator for verification

Error Code - Code d'erreur
Last edited by Ryukendo99; Jan 18, 2010 at 02:06 PM.
[T] | ORMO
[20:18] <@Cevius> Like semen?
Hampa siegt.

Originally Posted by Ryukendo99
Hampa wins - hampa gewinnt, hampa gewinne

I am sorry, but "Hampa gewinne." is wrong. It's similar to "Hampa win."
"Hampa gewinnt." is not actually wrong, but the verb "gewinnen" is used in different situations.
Thinking about an alternative for "Hampa siegt." …
An alternative would be "Hampa ist der Sieger." It means like "Hampa's the winner."
Last edited by Kirakage; Jan 18, 2010 at 02:18 PM.
Originally Posted by Kirakage View Post
Hampa siegt.


I am sorry, but "Hampa gewinne." is wrong. It's similar to "Hampa win."
"Hampa gewinnt." is not actually wrong, but the verb "gewinnen" is used in different situations.
Thinking about an alternative for "Hampa siegt." …
An alternative would be "Hampa ist der Sieger." It means like "Hampa's the winner."

How about "<playername> hat gewonnen"?
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
How about "<playername> hat gewonnen"?

or playername gewinnt.
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Once again the verb "gewinnen" is used in different situations.
So if you want to say it in the past you should use "<someone> hat gesiegt." or "<someone> siegte."
Last edited by Kirakage; Jan 18, 2010 at 02:46 PM.
hmm..ill have a learning spanish..

the nintendo connection one to spanish i think it is

Salga Nintendo la Conexión Wi-Fiel

correct me if im wrong

spanish error code is código de error

:EDIT im french so the error code french one is code d'erreur

the german one i think its hampa gewinnit
Last edited by dragoblade; Jan 18, 2010 at 02:56 PM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.